The Fruit Shoes of the Singapore

Manolo says, the visual wit of these shoes, purchased by one of the Manolo’s many internet friends in the Singapore, it has made the made the Manolo laugh out loud with the joy. They are indeed super fantastic!


The Crocs

Manolo says, many of the Manolo’s internet friends they have been sending the Manolo the letters asking about The Crocs, which they are apparently, the “hot” trend in the footwear for the lazy person. Manolo says, this above it is the shoe for the man. Notice how it differs from the shoe for the woman, below.Manolo says, exactly. They are the same shoe! The Crocs people they seem to belive that the womens and the mens they deserve the exact same shoe. Perhaps, this it will be true in the socialist utopia of the future when the differences between the…