Cowboy Up!

Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s many internet friends has asked the Manolo the question.

I have a question for you. I am a girl with rather large feet (11-12 american sizing), and I’m looking for a pair of cowboy boots. They can’t be too jokey or too fake, and they can’t call attention to the large size of my feet any more than necessary. Any suggestions?

The Manolo he has received many letters from his internet friends over the past few weeks begging the Manolo for the help with the big and the wide feets. In the next day or the two, the Manolo he will provide some assistance.

For the now, however, the Manolo he wishes to speak of the boots of the cowboys.

Manolo says, it is one of the rules of the Manolo that every super fantastic girl, she needs at the least one pair of the boots of the cowboy. And if you are to own only the single pair you would be wise to to make them very traditional, so that when the fashion it changes (and it always changes) you will not have the pair of the hot-pink ostrich leather boots sitting idle in the closet.

For the Manolo, the boots of the cowboy they are about tradition and function.This it is why the Manolo he loves this basic, very traditional boot from the Lucchese.

Lucchese N4540    Manolo Likes!  Click!

It is so plain, but also so handsome that it calls to the Manolo with it’s palpable scent of the sagebrush.

However, the Manolo, he is also not immue to the call of the fancier boot with the modicum of the color, like this one below, also from the Lucchese.
Luchese N4535   Manolo Likes!  Click!

The colors in this boot, they are rich, and the decoration it is not, as the friend of the Manolo has said, “jokey” or “fake”. They are the good choice for the super fantastic girl who cannot resist the colorful boots.

By the way, just because the Manolo he has recommended the boots of the cowboy, it is not the license to go all praire chic on the Manolo, with the billowing skirt of denim and the jade jewlery and the and faux native American touches. Please, do not let this happen to you.

Manolo says, honor the spirit of the boots of the cowboys; keep your clothing simple and elegant when wearing them.