The Yoox

Manolo says, the Manolo he has been meaning for the while to mention the Yoox to you. They are worth the mentioning because they offer for the American the hard-to-find shoes of some of the most important designers of Europe.

For the example, these boots below from the British designer the Alexander McQueen, they are very difficult to find in the U.S. of the A., but are available at the Yoox.
Alexander McQueen  Boots    Manolo Likes!  Click!

Likewise, these sandals from the John Galliano, they too are avaiable at the Yoox.
John Galliano  High Heeled Sandals     Manolo Likes!  Click!

Or this from the Luciano Padovan…
Luciano Padovan  High Heeled Sandals     Manolo Likes!  Click!

The Yoox it is not the best place for the shopper of the bargains, but it is good if you must have the latest in the couture shoe styles of the Europe.