The Blog of the Hollywould
Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s internet friends has pointed out to the Manolo that, like the Beverly Feldman, the Holly Dunlap of the Hollywould shoes has the blog!
Manolo says, Manolo loves the shoe designers who blog!
stella 20 years ago
The Stella is humbeled to be referred to by The Manolo of super fantasticness.
designers 20 years ago
Wow, I loved your blog! I wonder if you would support young Brazilian fashion designers in their work? Thanks!
Lee Vanderwalker 20 years ago
This has nothing to do with this blog post, but I thought I should thank you. I can’t even remember how I found your blog, but I have to thank you for the link. I live in Belize, Central America and it is completely impossible to buy decent shoes here, so I’ve ordered them online (thanks to you) and have had them sent to my mom’s house in Michigan. I’ll be visiting her soon. I was able to find impossible Sasquach size 14 sandles for my boyfriend. You know what they say about big feet and hands… (smirk)