Ride with the Devil
Manolo says, the Manolo he has blogged about the ridiculous diet book of the Evil One in the recent past, however, several of the Manolo’s internet friends have mailed him the link to this article in the Slate about the book.
The article by the Amanda Fortini, it is funny and worth the reading. However, for the Manolo, far better than the article is this picture of the fat Karl Lagerfeld it contained.
Manolo says, look at this, it is tragic, no?
Here is the fat, happy-but-crazy Karl Lagerfeld, smiling at us like the Sergant Schultz from the Hogan’s Heroes, wanting nothing more than the bratwurst and the pastries, and perhaps to destroy the House of Chanel with his clothing designs.
Obviously, this picture it is from before the Lagerfeld he made is infamous pact with El Diablo.
Now, the question for the Manolo, it is should the Faust/Lagerfeld be pitied, or despised?
Gina 20 years ago
Is there something less extreme than despising? Actually, I feel no pity at all for this man. He made the pact, and now, he must pay the price. Despise him and off with his head!
JoeB 20 years ago
The Lagerfeld, he must be despised, if for no other reason than his destruction of the House of The Chanel.
By the way, if his collars get any higher, he’ll look like The Elvis
Tania 20 years ago
It is my opinion and Nietzsche’s that pity is a form of despising, and so, either way, he is to be despised.
mondomor 20 years ago
Actually, he looks more like the guy who played ‘Hogan’ during his downward spiral with drugs, booze and debauchery. And that diet book reads like an insult to anyone with half a drug crazed mind. Oy vay, dandy is as dandy does. Just lie down and die before it goes any further … and before nobody wants to go to the funeral.
deja pseu 20 years ago
From the review, Lagerfeld/Houdret pen: “In order to have a place in society,” Houdret writes, “both men and women have to be active, good looking and above all young—and therefore slim.”
Well, the Lagerfield has achieved one out of four! Despised AND pitied, says I. Despised: for providing more pro-ana fodder. Pitied: Have you ever tried aspic?
cris 20 years ago
The Lagerfeld with his biggest fan. Does the Lagerfeld not look like the Sir Elton in this picture? Better teeth, maybe. Regardless, the Lagerfeld should not smile. Little children could see this, lose sleep due to the nightmares attendant, fail in their educations, and bring the nation to ruin.
tia nieve 20 years ago
The Tia Nieve enjoys reading articles. She is particularly struck by Maitre Lagerfled’s tragic dilemma:
“Dandies have to put up with all sorts of irritation and insults,” [Houdret] writes. “Often criticized and sometimes jeered at, they are in a perpetual state of conflict with themselves—torn between what they are and what they would like to be, trying to achieve harmony with their ideal.”
The Tia Nieve is moved to tears at the thought of Maitre Lagerfeld’s tormented soul. He hides his angst well, the Tia thinks, no?
The Tia is also amused at the photo captions in the Slate article. Move the mouse over the photos to see.
The Scarlett 20 years ago
The Scarlett had to look up the later word to properly answer the pity/despise query. She thought the word meant ‘hate’ when it really means ‘contempt’ or ‘not worthy of regard.’ Thus, The Scarlett finds the Lagerfeld entity to be despicable.
The Scarlett wonders how long it will take until some clever writers pen The Devil Dines on Aspic as a thinly-veiled, tell-all look into the world of one evil designer.
tia nieve 20 years ago
“The Devil Dines of Aspic”
For a second day in a row, the Tia says Brava! to the Scarlett.
Allison Greenberg 20 years ago
Great picture of Karl Lagerfeld.
Check out my blog and http://www.fill-r-up.com
Katrina 20 years ago
How can you despise someone who looks like a nice fat old granny, the kind who would pinch your cheeks?
Goda 20 years ago
He really does not belong at Chanel, maybe Prada or Gucci. :P
enygma 20 years ago
Holy! I thought that second picture was a drunken old woman.
Harrods Girl 20 years ago
Oh my gosh that is just scary. I have never seen a photo of Lagerfeld looking like that!
Liz 20 years ago
I thought it was Bea Arthur.
mango 20 years ago
I say he laughs all the way to the bank at his critics, because too many buy the book and his clothes.
Lucky 20 years ago
Diet advice from Lagerfeld and mental health advice from Tom Cruise! I am so lucky to be alive at a time when these wise, wise men deign to share their life long learning with me! If I get any more lucky I…just…might…die….