Flipping and Flopping in the House of Whiteness
Manolo says, many of the Manolo’s internet friends have emailed the Manolo about the story of the college girls who wore the flip-flops to meet the Mr. President.
Before visiting the White House, Kate Darmody carefully planned her outfit. She bought a sundress from Ann Taylor. She put on a strand of white pearls.
And then she slipped on flip-flops to meet the president. So did about half of her teammates from the national championship Northwestern University women’s lacrosse team, invited to the White House last Tuesday after a 21-0 season.
She didn’t think twice about the footwear until she got an e-mail – in all capital letters -from her brother.
“YOU WORE FLIP-FLOPS TO THE WHITE HOUSE????!!!!” he wrote after checking out the picture on the team’s website.
What can the Manolo possibly say to this, except to note, as he has noted in the past, that we live in the sadly debased era, when the standards of the proper dress and the fit comportment have become the mere suggestions, to be observed or not observed at the whim of the individual.
These girls they do not know–their mamas have not taught them–that properly dressing according to the occasion, it is about the respect; respect for the occasion, respect for the other persons present, and respect for the self.
Yes, the Manolo he is most happy we live in the age of democratic informality, when the humble need not bow and scrape before the mighty, when free peoples may greet each other in the spirit of amity and concord as equals. Yet, at the same of the time, he cannot help but think that we have gone too far in this process of the levelling.
To the mind of the Manolo, the somewhat exaggerated politeness and more formal dress of the previous era gave the dignity and proper sense of self to even the most humble. To put on the suit and tie and shined shoes, to wear the dress and stockings and pumps, these things they recalled one to correct behavior, and demanded of others the respect.
Now, we wear the flip-flops and the shirts of the Hawaiians to the church, and to the funerals, and to meet the Mr. President in the House of Whiteness, and we think that this it is fine, but this it is only because we have forgotten the pleasures and social benefits to be had in dressing properly.
Moira 20 years ago
Reply to Cosmo re: Washington DC streets
I know what you mean about the mean streets of DC–the brick, the gratings, and the rude people who don’t accommodate your need to navigate carefully in order not to fall while wearing 3-inch heels. I wish we’d get away from the quaintness of brick and just return to good-old concrete for the sidewalks.
But seriously, do flip-flops really give you good arch support for walking to work? I recently bought some wonderful sport shoes: Privo by Clarks Leather and Mesh Slip-On Women’s – Zombie from QVC, and they are way cuter than flip-flops and much better for you.
lexa 20 years ago
Oh, Kitty, your anecdote about the wedding made me remember this website, where, shockingly, one can buy flip flops TO WEAR AT ONE’S OWN WEDDING.
Is it just me, or is this seriously, seriously messed up?
flippyfloppy 20 years ago
Has anyone noticed as well that the outfits selected by these young women are uniformly ick-worthy as well? The baggy yellow shirt, the many exposed upper arms (a light sweater or shrug is only appropriate once you are over age 14, ladies), the fluffy blue skirt… AUGH. My eyes. Whatever happened to lovely summer dresses? Or, even, a nicely tailored pants ensemble? These girls look more like they’re ready for a casual date with a boy wearing a Clash shirt and cargo pants than gracing the White House (despite its current despicable resident) with their presence.
enygma 20 years ago
How embarassing. That’s my school and I was in class with one of the lacrosse team members.
enygma 20 years ago
Oh, I want to add something else. It’s true the girls go to a top-tier school, but they’re not all wealthy (at least, I’m not) and they’re all young, so cut them some slack for not dressing in haute couture. At least they’re not wearing cut offs or shorts.
mopqqq 20 years ago
Since when is Northwestern an Ivy League school? It’s not even one of the Seven Sisters
class factotum 20 years ago
I hate, hate, hate business casual. It has become business slob where I work. I refuse to participate. I wear a suit, hose and heels to work every day. Let the rest dress like slobs. They make me look all the better. I am here to work, not to be casual.
And yes — I hear the sound of the slapping soles all day long. These people have no raising.
Muffy Wong 20 years ago
dressing nicely doesn’t mean having to dress in haute couture or even designer brands. Poor or rich or middle class, even Payless sells decent looking pumps or heels.
Gryph 20 years ago
You know, just as a note, the girls have said now that in the face of the fuss they are going to auction off the controversial shoes and give the money to a little girl with a brain tumor. http://www.kfoxtv.com/irresistible/4737036/detail.html
Victor 20 years ago
flippyfloppy, I agree the clothing choices left a bit to be desired, but they are, for the most part, acceptable (IMO, and the flipflops notwithstanding) for an informal afternoon reception…especially with the 90+ degree temps, coupled with the 90+ percent humidity we in Washington have been dealing with for the last week or so.
I agree business casual has become go-to-work-dressed-like-a-slob to some. I work at a huuuge company where “business casual” is the dress code, and I always make sure to have on a collared shirt with leather shoes. The younger girls (assistants, for the most part) & female associates fresh out of school wear flip-flops almost exclusively, and seemingly have no sense as to what is appropriate clothing…not to mention what is *attractive* clothing. Management, both male and female, are coming in wearing shorts and sandals. Fortunately, they are, for the most part, putting on a polo shirt, but still. It’s absolutely disgraceful.
Victor 20 years ago
One final note–Sir, I believe you’ve disparaged GQ magazine in the past. I subscribed many years ago (and I’ve recently resubscribed). There is something missing that I remember from the GQ if my youth (and I mean that litterally), but I can safely say those mid-80’s issues taught me the classic style that looks so very quaint these days.
However, you’re correct to look down on GQ these days. The new editorial team doesn’t have the eye for the classic fashion that is still so very stylish.
Colleen 20 years ago
“the rachel, she would wear flipflops, sweatpants, and a do-rag were she in the company of the dubya, as she holds the dubya in such base regard that she does not believe that he is worthy of her tailored dress, tahitian pearls, and tasteful shoes.”
Much as I agree with this statement with respect to W, himself, I believe the White House, and the office of President was there long before Mr. W, and will be there long after Mr. W. As such, it would have been nice had they shown the office of President, and the White House, a little more respect. They just had the unfortunate timing of winning their championship when the Shrub was in office.
Lori 20 years ago
Dale Carnegie said that the only way to get someone to do something is to make him want to do it. Here are some reasons for wearing classic, modest clothes in general and professional clothing at work. Perhaps these reasons could effect a change in the way our young women friends dress.
Modest, classic clothing in general:
1. Classic clothing worn in a photo today will look nice 20 years from now. Flip-flops, camisoles and hip-huggers will someday go the way of big hair and jump suits.
2. Although you may find it uncomfortable or hot, there are those who will feel more comfortable around you. Though they may not say anything, they’re uncomfortable around girls whose tops are slit to the midriff and feel disrespected by those who do not dress to meet the occasion.
3. Others may shower a provocatively dressed woman with attention, but they’ll laugh at her the minute her back is turned.
Professional Attire at Work:
4. You’re ready for anything. No need to worry about when the man or the big client is going to be around.
5. Good business clothes wear better and stay in style longer than cheap, trendy clothes. You should be able to wear them for years.
6. The woven fabric skims over bulges and figure flaws, helping you keep your slim look after your varsity days are over.
7. Being taken more seriously by your superiors. Professional attire makes you look like you’re there to work. Casual attire makes you look like you’re there to collect a paycheck. Sexy or flamboyant attire makes you look like you’re there because you’ve nowhere else to go.
8. Being taken more seriously by coworkers and clients. You’re less likely to have to assert your authority nine ways to Sunday when you look like a professional.
9. It raises your work ethic. Casual clothes tend to induce a casual attitude; business clothes give you a little lift.
Victor 20 years ago
Lori, that was absolutely fabulous. Cheers!
deja pseu 20 years ago
What Lori said. Especially the items about work. Wish I could print this out and distribute to our department.
kathy 20 years ago
who cares? it’s Bush, who has daughters who get drunk in public and appear at court hearings looking much worse than the white house tourists.
The Charlotte Allen 20 years ago
Go, Lori!
Adelaide 20 years ago
I couldn’t agree with you more. But, since I am writing this in 90 degree plus heat, all I can think about is the torture of pantyhose in this weather. But I do it, I do it.
class factotum 20 years ago
Lori, that was BRILLIANT! And it does not have to be expensive to dress professionally at work. I myself get many of my elegant suits for under $50 at the Bay of the e.
Sandy T. 20 years ago
Doesn’t the White House have a chief of protocol anymore, someone who might clue in clueless coeds (heh) about what is and isn’t appropriate to wear in a photo op with the President? I’m surprised they even made it past the front door in those things. Let’s face it — people are stupid and lazy, and they’ll wear what they think they can get away with, even if it’s to meet the leader of the free world (and I use that term loosely).
That said, the only time flip-flops would be appropriate footwear for a bride is if she’s getting married where the surf might lap her toes (and even Renee Zellweger and Jennifer Garner wore shoes for their weddings on the beach, for God’s sake).
ulalume 19 years ago
I must point out (late to this party, I know) that in some places, it is entirely acceptable to wear Hawaiian shirts to work and funerals. That place being, namely, Hawaii. Or Guam. Or probably any tropical island (Tahiti, Cuba, etc.) Business wear in Hawaii is aloha wear and Hawaiian shirts are almost like a work uniform – except multi-colored and not identical (and not garish, thank you). Slippers (what you all call flip-flops) are not considered appropriate for business wear, being a casual thing. Of course, shorts, tee shirt and slippers are almost required for casual wear in Hawaii, but that’s part of life in the islands.
As for the slippers this transplanted islander sees on tootsies walking DC streets, I assume (hope) that those folks are changing to appropriate wear at the office, but I don’t understand how they find those things comfortable or supportive on urban streets. I can’t stand to wear them for more than a trip to the grocery store. But my biggest complaint about slippers: if you’re going to wear them, at least buy a better pair than the cheap, $3.99 drugstore slip-on-wet-Metro-tiles shoes. Please.
Jessica 19 years ago
I take a different route. I think anyone focusing on something like flip-flops is missing the bigger picture. I bet the president didn’t even notice. If their behavior was polite and respectful and they weren’t wearing them to “prove a point” then so what? It’s like people who are upset about jeans in church. There was a time when I could afford no new clothes and I only had my teen wardrobe even though I was married. I was looked down upon by some in church for wearing jeans. I’ts not the clothes, it’s the person. Just my two cents. ;-)
Not directed to you of course, just in general…
Shannon 19 years ago
I’ve been bitching about this since 2002:
The flip flops, they must be stopped!
DistressedJeans 19 years ago
Uhh…I wouldnt wear my 99cent pick and save rubber thongs to meet the president. I would wear my stiletto mules with my highball of brandy and my leopard print cowboy hat.
Kris 19 years ago
I wouldn’t be caught dead in flip-flops, yet they are ubiquitous in California. The saddest trend, however, is that on a recent trip back to New York City, people were wearing them everywhere I went. Come on Manhattanites! You’re better than this.
Phyllis 19 years ago
Now, we wear the flip-flops and the shirts of the Hawaiians to the church, and to the funerals, and to meet the Mr. President in the House of Whiteness”…indeed..and you should see what juries wear to court – it’s shameful.
Michelle 19 years ago
Dearest Manolo:
I agree but for one thing, the man who is now in the house of Whiteness, he deserves to be greeted in the flip flops. I would not subject any of my fabulous shoes to his gaze were I to enter the house of Whiteness. Indeed, I would wear the ugliest shoes possible-perhaps the Valenki.
Lisa Gilliam 19 years ago
Lori good points.Between the fashion magazines sending out mixed messages nowadays,all the fault can’t be placed on these young ladies.As much as I disdain flip flops for dress,I believe Birkenstocks are much worse!That shoe just screams ugly!why any women with any pride where such crap is a puzzle to me.They look to much like the stuff hippies would wear!I agree Manolo it is time for fashion appropiateness to return again.