Manolo Loves the Capitalism!
Manolo says, not to be the crass person concerned with the moneys, but there is the interview with the Manolo at the site of the Problogger, the blogger who writes about the business side of the blogging world.
The Manolo he makes no secret of what he does here. He considers himself to be similar to the personal shopper who is also the amusing companion. He tells the joke or two, he bloviates on the fashion, he gently mocks the celebrities, and he recommends the shoes and the clothes that are worth the wearing to his many internet friends.
Yes, the Manolo he makes the little bit of the moneys off of his humble shoe blogs. But this it is to be celebrated, that we live in the place where the peoples are free to make the money while doing the things they love.
P.S. If you are visiting this place for the first time, be certain to see the front page of the blog of the Manolo, so that you may understand better what it is that the Manolo does here.
deja pseu 19 years ago
If one can do what one loves and get paid to do it (and not hurt anyone or wreck the environment in the process), well Huzzah! One is to be admired and emulated.
JayKay 19 years ago
Ok, kiddies…vocab word for the day:
What a great word, although you are far from pompous, dear. ;)
Fausta 19 years ago
But this it is to be celebrated, that we live in the place where the peoples are free to make the money while doing the things they love.
The Manolo, he’s Da Man! and as the Mr Spock of the Star Trek would have said, may The Manolo live long and prosper.
Kim 19 years ago
The Manolo. He has made me smile and glow. While I wait for THE hurricane du jour, Rita, to travel and tip its toes into our neighborhood tomorrow and the next day, I am made happy by reading your most excellent writing. You are the entrepreneur par excellence, the skewed view par excellence and the funny-making Manolo par all excellence. Thank you.
zippy 19 years ago
The Manolo is part of less than 10% of the world that knows free speech. The Manolo is grateful and he celebrates his gift with all of us almost every day. Thank you Manolo!
The Scarlett 19 years ago
The six figure blogger?!? I’m speechless except to say that it couldn’t happen to a more superfantastic guy. Viva Manolo!
VeddyVeddyBadAng 19 years ago
Who would have thought you could make 6 figures on the internet without peddling a product or porn! Just your own typing fingers and a computer. I’m surprised and impressed, but I hope this doesn’t mean that the Manolo will change his personality to go with his newfound blogging success.
AskMom 19 years ago
AskMom, she would pay the money in person to be able to read the Manolo, but she is spared that necessity by all the follow Manoloites who click the links and buy the products. Bless you all. If someday reduced web income means the Manolo he cannot afford the dapper cravat or the edible dinner at the NYC prices, simply tell AskMom and she will provide :)
Manolo the Shoeblogger 19 years ago
“I hope this doesn’t mean that the Manolo will change his personality to go with his newfound blogging success.”
Oh, please, the Manolo he is immutable, like the mountains or the sea, always there to be viewed with the pleasure when the need for solace arises.
shoelover 19 years ago
Hey…….it looks like you can make money on the internet without putting yourself in compromising positions.
Wadda Pradda 19 years ago
The Wadda Pradda, she LOVES the Manolo. The Manolo with the, how you say it? The EXQUISITE Fashion Sense, yes, that is it, EXQUISITE. The Wadda Pradda says, yes, she agrees that all the peoples celebrate the Manolo, for without him, what would life and fashion be?
desertwind 19 years ago
Whatever you want is yours, dear Manolo.
You brighten our days.
Michael Giberson 19 years ago
Can we get a “Manolo Loves the Capitalism!” T-shirt?
digital 19 years ago
Talk about focusing your content! Whatever works, my friend. Congradulations. Personally, I like the shotgun effect, but you are far more successful… Am I bloviating now???