Happy Birthday!!!!
Manolo shouts,
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to the Manolo’s Shoe Blog!!!!
One year ago exactly today, the Manolo he invented the shoe blog. As the first shoe blogger it was the intention of the Manolo to share with the world his love of the shoes and the fashion and the fun. And, the blog, it has succeeded beyond the wildest expectations. Even the better, soon after the Manolo started, other shoe and purse and fashion blogs sprang up like the spring flowers after the rain, and so the internets it became the beautiful, chaotic place of the hundred wonderful fashion blogs.
What now lies ahead for the Manolo and humble shoe blogs?
There are things coming that will astound and amuse the many internet friends of the Manolo.
For the example, this evening, the Manolo he will announce the winners of his Super Fantastic Essay Contest, and you will be able to read some of the wonderful stories that were submitted to the contest.
And then tomorrow, on the Monday, there will be the big announcement of the new relationship that will bring the wider readership and exposure to the blogs of the Manolo.
Going forward from this place, there are other things planned. Already, you have been introduced to the all new Manolo for the Brides, and to the Never teh Bride, the very funny blogger who the Manolo found to revive his languishing bride blog.
This it is only the first step in what the Manolo hopes will become the small network of the quality fashion and humor blogs, blogs written by talented and funny people, like the Never teh Bride, and published under the editorial guidence of the Manolo. Yes, it is true, the Manolo he would like to be like the Martha Stewart on the internets, only much, much nicer and with the better shoes.
So, look over the coming months for new blogs from the Manolo, new blogs featuring new and distinctive voices. It will be the quality of the writings, not so much the topic, that will distinguish the blog network of the Manolo.
And there is more, much more planned for the future, things almost too super fantastic to be mentioned. But, do not worry, the Manolo he has no intention of changing his Shoe Blog. It is the true labor of the love, the touchstone for all he does.
sarah 19 years ago
happy birthday, deal the manolo!
sarah 19 years ago
oops, i meant DEAR the manolo! my hands are cold!
covino 19 years ago
Happy birthday Manolo! May there be many more fashionable years
PlacentiaSoccerMom 19 years ago
Happy Birthday Manolo!
La Dulcinea 19 years ago
Congratulations, dear Manolo!! Happy Birthday!
Jan 19 years ago
Has it not been the most super fantastic of years? The Manolo is most appreciated. Thank you!
DebR 19 years ago
Happy Happy Birthday to the superfantastic Manolo!!!
Here’s wishing you many, many more!
Fausta 19 years ago
Happy birthday to the blog of the Manolo, and may the superfantastic Manolo live long and prosper!
(yes, I know, that comes from the Spock of the Trek to the Stars)
The Scarlett 19 years ago
Muchos Besos, oh-superfantastic-one! You have indeed brought many smiles and incredible taste to the peoples of the internet.
Tina 19 years ago
Happy the birthday my favorite the manolo! I can’t wait to see the changes and to see who the lucky person who is chosen as the winner will be!
Christina 19 years ago
Happy birthday again the manolo! I noticed I wrote all my info wrong on the entry above. Using my nick-name and writing my homepage address wrong. The apologies.
megaera 19 years ago
Feliz cumplea~os!!!! I’d make you a cake, but unfortunately, we don’t have internet teleporters yet. :)
La Retrosessuale 19 years ago
Feliz cumpleanos, Don Manolo! May your presence grace the internet with manymany more years of the deleecious superfantasticness, and may you be showered with all the birthday presents your heart desires!
Tea 19 years ago
Happy birthday and congratulations!
Donna B 19 years ago
Dear Manolo,
You are a shining example of what good writing and a fun blog should be. Happy Birthday to a swell guy.
Kim 19 years ago
It is amazing, the precociousness of one-year olds these days. Happy birthday and may your blogosity continue on and on and on!
Viatrix 19 years ago
Happy Birthday to my favorite fun blogger, the Manolo! May the next year be as superfantastic as the first…with even better shoes!
the Diva Leigh 19 years ago
And it has been a very good year indeed! The Diva Leigh wishes you the happiest of the days and a vintage bottle of the finest wine for the celebration!
Joe 19 years ago
Congratulations on accomplishing so much in so short a time. Happy Birthday to the Manolo and his quirky view on life.
Cameron 19 years ago
Walk on ! Many happy returns
a 19 years ago
you have been a much appreciated presence. you are already superior to martha in my opinion.
never teh bride 19 years ago
Many happy returns! YAY!!
Atomic Bombshell 19 years ago
HOORAY and thank you for a year of fabulousness!
blackbird 19 years ago
Bravo Manolo!
I, who humbly began my blog only a few short days before you, bow to your fabulousness.
I am very much looking forward to what you have for us in the near future.
desertwind 19 years ago
For he’s a jolly good fellow!
… Nobody can deny.
Kath 19 years ago
Only a year old? Goodness what a sucess! Congratulations!
JellyGirl 19 years ago
Hurrah the Manolo! Happy Birthday and long may you do many more luscious posts on shoes and other delightful things!
Esther 19 years ago
Most happiest of birthdays, oh exalted and superfantastic one! :-)