Shoes for the Poor Girl
Manolo says, here is the latest column the Manolo he wrote for the Express of the Washington Post.
0Dear Manolo,
I love the expensive shoes you recommend, but I’m a poor working girl.
Manolo says, this it is the common dilemma. On the one of the hands it is the inalienable right of everyone to have the most super fantastic shoes, yet on the other of the hands, it is difficult to save enough of the moneys on what the “Man†he pays you.
But, do not worry, the Manolo he knows what it is like to be poor, so poor that you must fashion your own super fantastic shoes out of the candy wrappers and used bubble gum you have found on the street after the Halloween parade it has passed.
And so the Manolo, he would recommend to you you the Polaris from the Joan and David. It is the simple, classic pump, one that is on the sale at the Zappos for less than $100 of the American dollars, over 50% off!
anonymous 19 years ago
dude, 100 dollars is not affordable for the poor. it is the less than the 0-50 dollars
19 years ago
These supposed “bargains” make me feel very poor.
Viola 19 years ago
Somehow, greeting the elegant Manolo as “dude” tilts the earth on its axis.
Miss Tanya 19 years ago
I find the plum to be superfantastic.
19 years ago
superfantastic maybe, but not for the poor girl. Are there superfantastic shoes for around $50??
tittilareau 19 years ago
I would love to see some moderately priced high heeled loafers. I think they are fun and sexy, but they always seem to be a little out of my price range.(less than $100) Please help, oh wonderful Manolo.