Holiday Shoes IV
Manolos says, nothing completely captures the spirit of the Christmas like the pair of the velvet pumps from the Casadei with the seasonally appropriate bows! Buy both pairs and mix and match for the crazy girl holiday feeling!
0Manolos says, nothing completely captures the spirit of the Christmas like the pair of the velvet pumps from the Casadei with the seasonally appropriate bows! Buy both pairs and mix and match for the crazy girl holiday feeling!
Pursedeals 19 years ago
I do love Casadei! I certainly would love to see a gal wear one red and one green of these great shoes.
beth 19 years ago
My feet would feel like presents in these shoes.
Miachelle 19 years ago
Those are HOT!
Lady Gloriana 19 years ago
Pursedeals – I would so wear one of each!
Carol 19 years ago
Pardon my drool.
Perfection is defined in the dictionary as: Green Suede Pumps
Violet 15 years ago
I have actually painted a couple of pairs of these. One pair is black, the other is red. Check them out at my website or on my blog at
Do you know where I can actually buy a pair? I try to have a pair of all the shoes I have painted :)