Let it Go Gray, Luciano, Let it Go Gray

Manolo says, Grecian Formula SPF 50


The Shoe Auctions of the Freemans, Part II

Manolo says, the Manolo he loves what is in the couture auction at the Freeman’s House of the Auctions. And now, the cataloger of the auction, the Olivia, she has sent the Manolo the story behind the many of the items that are on the block. I must tell you about the estate the vintage shoes in the sale came from– it was the estate of a single woman, Esther Ludwig, who just died at age 99. Her house had been empty but for the caretaker for many years– but she wouldn’t let her things be sold until she died,…


Holiday Gift Books, Part II

Manolo says, the Manolo he continues his suggestions for the books suitable for the holiday giving, here are the few more, given in no particular order. The Indispensible Collection The Complete Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Who does not love the charming adventures of the little boy Calvin and his friend the tiger Hobbes? This theoretical person, who does not love the Calvin and the Hobbes, the Manolo he does not wish to know. Such is the regard the Manolo holds for the oeuvre of the genius Bill Watterson. What The Modern Italian Brides Get on The Day of…