Holiday Boots
Manolo says, here are the super fantastic boots from the Chirstian Louboutin. Think of the entrance you would make as you stepped from your sleigh directly into the office party!
0Manolo says, here are the super fantastic boots from the Chirstian Louboutin. Think of the entrance you would make as you stepped from your sleigh directly into the office party!
mona 19 years ago
Santa Baby!! Put these beauties under the tree for me!
Atomic Bombshell 19 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous!
furlagirl 19 years ago
furlagirl 19 years ago
Of course the Manolo is so erudite he has probably ready this already, but nonetheless,12084,1668463,00.html
JayKay 19 years ago
Ok Manolo dahhhling…
How does one *pronounce* Louboutin? I’m afraid I will butcher it terribly one day and resort to asking for the “red sole shoes”.
Can ya help a sistah out? ;)
Esther 19 years ago
These boots would be worth me not eating of the foodstuffs for a month.
catholic_girl 19 years ago
Oh. Ohhhhh. So THIS is boot lust. I think I shall dream of these until the day they are mine.
Louboutin Loverr 18 years ago
Louboutin boots are my affair but my husband are the summer and spring heels.