Manolo’s Friday Miscellany
Manolo says, here are the few links to the interesting and amusing things that some of the Manolo’s internet friends have sent to him this week.
How to know when you have the shoe addiction? Postcards arrive in the mail.
From the American Digest comes news of the shoe technology that will not only allow you to “enter the new world of comfort” but also perhaps save you two or three of the seconds each day. (Do not laugh. It adds up!)
The Hanukkah it is almost here! Do you have the menorah?
For the 1,000 Pounds you too can have the X-Box of Pure Evil.
Finally, the Manolo briefly discusses the history of the opera pump.
Kourtney 19 years ago
The shoes, to go with the tux….
I would appreciate some input on this… I am loath to disagree with the Manolo, I do feel we could berhaps flex the rule. I am getting married, and my cher papa, who is in fact a farm boy turned farmer turned butcher (and an all-around awesome Dad), has agreed to wear a tux. (Two button, notch lapel.) Now, I have a distinct AVERSION to the idea of anyone renting shoes, let alone those terrible “patent” (plastic) black men’s shoes that the tux rental place has. In the interests or being considerate, & not making him wear rented shoes, or have to buy a new set of shoes, I had suggested that he could wear his black cowboy boots. It is, after all, a wedding in small town Saskatchewan, & somewhat non-traditional as I am weaing COLOR, not the white. And his other formal outfit is the same boots, with black Wranglers & a sport coat.
Elvira 19 years ago
From the Xbox article: “It’s not a well-known fact, but Karl Lagerfeld happens to be a big-time gadget fan (the man reportedly owns more than 70 iPods).”
Why? What does one man do with 70 iPods? He can only listen to one at a time. There are better media for massive electronic storage, if that is his issue.
The Karl Lagerfeld becomes ridiculouser and ridiculouser by the moment.
Manolo the Shoeblogger 19 years ago
Yes, the Lagerfeld he own 70 iPods, all of them loaded with nothing but the collected works of the Klaus Nomi
Talmida 19 years ago
Kourtney, I’m in Alberta, and I give a thumbs up to black cowboy boots with a tux for a wedding in Sask. Make sure they have a good polish on them, and don’t let him wear a ball cap!! (Stetsons are acceptable).
I actually know a couple of gentlemen who wear evening pumps, but my own Beloved puts a high gloss on his Doc Marten’s and wears those. Unless we are dancing (in which case he wears his ballroom dance shoes), the Docs are perfect for standing around for hours at the black-tie fund-raiser, or the company Christmas party.
VeddyVeddyBadAng 19 years ago
I see the Shangri Law is honoring the Manolo by imitating his writing style.
“The X-Box of Pure Evil” – heh.
kim 19 years ago
I love the menorah. I think it says somewhere that after three years, after the Macabees defeated their foes, while they were washing sacrificial blood off the holy Temple walls, they were wearing pumps and strappy sandals so they wouldn’t step in all the detritus from the corpses and miscellany left over from the prostitution and so forth. So, historically accurate!
Tonya 19 years ago
Ayyyyy Manolo! Please spell “menorah” correctly! My apologies, but I’m obsessive/compulsive about spelling. Now I need to go make sure the oven is off…
Gigi 19 years ago
Kourtney, I too give cowboy boots a thumbs up! Everyone was horrified when my darling husband wanted to wear cowboy boots when we were married. I found it charming and still do. There is nothing charming about rented, plastic shoes. Blech.
The Scarlett 19 years ago
I hate opera pumps on men. It makes them look like they are wearing the shoes of the late Julia Child and that is never a good look. I prefer the black patent lace-ups.
Your granny 19 years ago
“news of the shoe technology”
This looks an awful lot like boot lacing to me.
And that technology goes back a ways.
No one can ever banish friction, but I believe various animal oils did their part, back in the day.