Mid-Winter D & G

Manolo says, the dark brown suede and the gold thread make these pumps from the Dolce and the Gabbana cozy and warm, like the leather armchair next to the fire on the cold mid-winter afternoon. They are both elegant and homey, the most unusual and appealing of combinations.


What The Manolo Is…

Manolo says, here is the list of the media which the Manolo is consuming this week, otherwise known as What the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Reading… Listening to. The Manolo he was completely enthralled by the Capote movie, and the Philip Seymour Hoffman he fully deserves whatever accolades are given to him. It was the sort of movie which the Manolo had come to believe was no longer being made, the movie for the grown up, the movie that requires that the viewer have complex, sometimes contradictory thoughts about the characters and actions on the screen.


The Globes of Gold

Manolo says, in the general, the fashions at the Globes of Gold Awards they were tasteful, decorous, and mostly boring. It is clear to the Manolo that the famosos they are now terribly worried about the ridicule of the television shows and the blogs of fashion. As the result, the Manolo, he was forced to look hard for picutres with which he could amuse his internet friends. Happily, there were the few moments from the ceremony and the after parties that deserved the comment. The best word to describe this, it is blowzy. Doing his own thang. Ayyyyyy! Chiquitita! The…