Men’s Fashion from Barcelona
Manolo says, perversly, since the last time, the Manolo he is now looking forward to the Barcelona Fashion Week
Consider now the offerings of this season.
Argyle Li’l Abner lamp shade.
Velveteen Sherlock Home Boy
Broke Neck Mountain
Shallom 19 years ago
Oh my goodness…do they really expect people to buy this crap? And wear it?
The Bloody Munchkin 19 years ago
Broke Neck Mountain, the latest in gay cowboy sheep wrangling couture…
Nabushi 19 years ago
I actually snorted with laughter at “broke neck” – not a super fantastic laugh, I know, it just escaped before I could think. Manolo, your wit, it rocks the hardest.
e 19 years ago
Well said, again. I always smile when I read those one-liners of yours.
carefulnow 19 years ago
Is that a boppy around broke neck mountain boy?
Phyllis 19 years ago
A boppy! This killed me….
verbal croquis 19 years ago
OMG, i can’t stop laughing!
knittykitty 19 years ago
I think the Brokeback guy just got off a plane, trying to get some sleep.
VeddyVeddyBadAng 19 years ago
Another timely fashion update from Spain, as my husband and I are heading off to Barcelona in the spring. For his presentation to the fellow engineers, I will advise him to wear the first offering. With those too-short jacket sleeves, they might not even notice anything out of the ordinary.
dimestore lipstick 19 years ago
“Elementary, my dear Vato Loco” will cause isolated outbreaks of giggling for the rest of the day, I just know it.
Talix 19 years ago
Laughing out loud – so hard it needed to be spelled all the way out.
Fly Girl 19 years ago
Broke Neck looks like a walking ad for the sleeping pillows for your neck that I see on the plane all the time.
Kai Jones 19 years ago
It’s not a neck, and it needs to be tested for STDs.
Esther 19 years ago
Everything about this post (to include the super-fantastic comments) will have me giggling all day. Fabulous. :)
Trevor 19 years ago
This is why the Italians will never take over anything.
Amber 19 years ago
Manolo you kill me! A coworker just asked what I was snorting about hahah.
Ryno 19 years ago
Dang, just got caught laughing out load at my desk. This is too funny. The clothes are the most ridiculous things I’ve seen in a while and the comments and captions!!… oh boy. Pure genius.
ross 19 years ago
your clothes are gay you fags
REb 19 years ago
How can those clothes be in fashion??? i mean who the hell would ever wear that shit????