The Help Wanted

Manolo says, The Manolo’s empire it is again in the period of expansion, as the Manolo will shortly be introducing yet another Manolo-based blog. This one devoted to the joys of food and drink and the matters gourmandise.

However, before this happens, the Manolo must take care of other things.

Most importantly, he must address the fact that he has not had the time nor the interest to properly maintain his blog devoted to the fashion for the males, Manolo for the Men.

On many of the occasions of the past, the Manolo has noted that the topic of clothing for the men bores the Manolo. Yet, at the same of the time, one need only look around the sidewalks of our cities to know that most men need the sound advice on the matters of dress and comportment.

So, to further this indespensible civilizing mission to the sloppy and slackadasical he-natives of the world, the Manolo would like to announce that he is seeking the help.

He is looking for the blogger to help him write about the matters sartorial at his humble Manolo for the Men blog.

Ideally, the Manolo would like to clone the Never teh Bride, and somehow implant in her the DNA to make her as interested in the male clothing as she is in the brides and weddings. Sadly, however, the medical science it has not advanced so far.

So in the stead, he must look for the person who has the unique and entertaining authorial voice and the obsession with clothing for the mens. If you believe you are such the person, please send the Manolo the email outlining for him your qualifications, together with the brief samples of the writing and/or links to your bloggings.

The Manolo should mention that this it is the paid position. Not well paid nor anywhere near the full time, but there is the potential to perhaps make more, and the exposure may be beneficial to the freelance writer who wishes to make the name in fashion.