The Help Wanted
Manolo says, The Manolo’s empire it is again in the period of expansion, as the Manolo will shortly be introducing yet another Manolo-based blog. This one devoted to the joys of food and drink and the matters gourmandise.
However, before this happens, the Manolo must take care of other things.
Most importantly, he must address the fact that he has not had the time nor the interest to properly maintain his blog devoted to the fashion for the males, Manolo for the Men.
On many of the occasions of the past, the Manolo has noted that the topic of clothing for the men bores the Manolo. Yet, at the same of the time, one need only look around the sidewalks of our cities to know that most men need the sound advice on the matters of dress and comportment.
So, to further this indespensible civilizing mission to the sloppy and slackadasical he-natives of the world, the Manolo would like to announce that he is seeking the help.
He is looking for the blogger to help him write about the matters sartorial at his humble Manolo for the Men blog.
Ideally, the Manolo would like to clone the Never teh Bride, and somehow implant in her the DNA to make her as interested in the male clothing as she is in the brides and weddings. Sadly, however, the medical science it has not advanced so far.
So in the stead, he must look for the person who has the unique and entertaining authorial voice and the obsession with clothing for the mens. If you believe you are such the person, please send the Manolo the email outlining for him your qualifications, together with the brief samples of the writing and/or links to your bloggings.
The Manolo should mention that this it is the paid position. Not well paid nor anywhere near the full time, but there is the potential to perhaps make more, and the exposure may be beneficial to the freelance writer who wishes to make the name in fashion.
Ryno 19 years ago
I am very happy to see that you will be addressing food and drink. They are very important subjects – right below breathing and sex – and I can actually offer informed opinion on them. My wife is a full-time art student and I cook a lot. I drink a lot too, but what the heck – it makes cooking more fun!
I will mention that there seem to be some very affordable Barberas hitting the stores these days.
Good luck on finding a contributor for Malolo for the Men. Personally I have abdicated all clothes-buying to my wife and daughter, unless it is sports or outdoor gear. As I see from old pictures of myself, I never did know how to dress and probably still don’t. Unless I’m skiing or camping. Let’s hear it for Smartwool, Underarmor, Polartec and Gore-Tex! In black, gray or brown, of course.
blackbird 19 years ago
Oh! Manolo!
You must have The Joke. He is truly the perfect man for the job…
Gomez Addams 19 years ago
Manolo is properly bored with the clothings of the mens. Alas, it is needed.
Please do not get the sissy-man or dandy-type. A woman who understands the mens psyche might be the best. Someone who knows why the styles of the mens do not change very much.
Rob D. 19 years ago
I want this job badly, but sadly do not have a fashion blog to back it up. However, I will start one just to apply for this position. Unlike yourself, I have a great interest in men’s clothes. And I have asked you some questions when it came to personal style. But I do have what I feel is a sound philosophy on men’s style. This is an opportunity that I have been secretly praying for. As soon as I can, I will get a blogger site up, and send you the link.
cynthia 19 years ago
Can the Manolo get the Emmet from PR2…
Kit 19 years ago
I am thrilled that you’re starting a food and drink blog – food bloggers everywhere will be rejoicing today! We’re very lucky to welcome such an esteemed and FABULOUS blogger into our ranks…
Good luck with the expansion and the new blogger search!
Emma 19 years ago
There is an excellent fashion/grooming website for men only in Sweden,
Check out their interactive tieknot instruction:
Click on the orange bold text saying “Klicka här för att öppna slipsknut-skolan”
I bet these guys could do an excellent job in cooperation with Manolo the Shoeblogger. In English, of course.
Owlet 19 years ago
Lord Whimsy ( might be a good choice. He would bring his own fan base.
eyeroll 19 years ago
I’m so glad you used “gourmandise” because the root is, of course, “gourmand” — yeah, OK, we’ve moved on these days to “lover of good food” rather than “gluttony.” so it’s all OK.
Oh yes, please encourage food fetishism to the gluttony extreme. Except for how ‘thin is in’ — so I guess this is advocacy of bulemia? Please advise.
allthatisman 19 years ago
the manolo is clearly insane, guys have a sense of fashion. they are grounded. if you didn’t love sprinkles of fairy dust and whimsical delight on everything, maybe you could grab that market. you can’t get bucked off a bull and be pretty at the same time.
Ronikins 19 years ago
I’m with Cynthia….do, do, do get Beautiful Stylish Emmett!
Donna B 19 years ago
OOhh, I’m already hungry.
For the men’s blog, I don’t know who reads it, but I’d like a masculine writer, too. I’d suggest Luke Ford as the funniest writer, but you might have a problem with the other places where he publishes. The writer who never disappoints me is Michael Sonnenschein, who writes FishbowlLA. He’s hysterical, without ever being mean, which is something Manolo does so well, too. He makes odd but accurate analogies. He’s good at observing and reporting, and he used to write for Blind Date, so he entertains both men and women. I don’t know if he’d be interested, and can’t recall him ever mentioning men’s clothing, but I turn to a blog because of the writer and/or comments, not usually the subject, and if he wanted to, he could do a great job! Please take a look at his work!!
desertwind 19 years ago
Manolo, I so look forward to your new blog! Fantastic.
For the mens; do you know The Sartorialist?
Those of a certain age may remember “i.d.” magazine… He’s sort of like that. Minus the punks, of course… Different times.
The Charlotte Allen 19 years ago
Please, please please don’t hire a menswear guy who thinks that this guy[] represents the sartorial wave of the future (gushing New Yorker http://profile of him here[]). Please let him be someone who loves beautiful real clothes for real men. I just don’t get “men’s fashion”–and neither do any men I know.
The Charlotte Allen 19 years ago
Oops–mangled the New Yorker URL:
la petite chou chou 19 years ago
“When I was a teen-ager, people used to comment on how dreadfully skinny I was,†That is so sad. The same thing happened to me and I regret that I got a serious complex about it. Luckily, I’m getting over it, which is what sparked my interest in fashion. So as Slimane said “Life was not that unfair after all. There was a future for skinny people.â€