Minding the Manolo

Manolo says, here from the NormBlog is the story of the consequences of not paying attention to the advice of the Manolo. Once upon a time there was a young girl who every day read the blog of the marvellous person, the Manolo. She read it for its exquisite taste, its witty literary style and its humane and enhancing attitude to matters of everyday existence. But she was a bit of a foot-dragger when it came to actually following the advice contained therein: i.e. you must only ever buy the super fantastic shoes, and if you are the poor girl…


From the Bawdy Houses of the Outback

Manolo says, this it is enough to drive the lonesome cowboy back to the cattle.


Manolo’s Friday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things that perhaps will amuse. Shoe-perstitions (via the ever witty Shoe Sense) Mr. Henry the Abstemious Foodblogger The Stain Also Rises


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post it is now available. Today, the Manolo takes you through the six stages of shoe-loss grief. Dear Manolo, For four years, I had a pair of black, beautiful, round toed pumps with a thin heel about 2 inches high. They were sexy and comfortable, and I wore them everywhere. And then a terrible thing happened, the strap holding the buckle broke. I can’t get them fixed. I’ve looked everywhere but I can’t find a suitable replacement. Elenor Manolo says, how well the Manolo knows the six stages…


Not The Trekkies

Manolo says, no, this pair they are not, as you may suspect, the King and Queen of the Trek Expo 2005. In the stead, they are the Kiwi fashion designers, who with this picture are proving some of the theories the Manolo maintains about those who make the fashion. Here is the Manolo talking about the Project Runway designers. Indeed, many designers they will simply give up and dress themselves in all black all of the time, thinking that non-color will deflect from them the criticisms of their poor fashion choices. […] So the making over of the designers, it…


The Next Carnivale of the Couture

Manolo says, the next Carnivale of the Couture it will be held at the very amusing Sense of Soot. The Topic is Torturous Fashion, and not the kind you tried, hated, and discarded. Oh no, we’re going deeper into the dark corners than that, my dumplings. There is something you have owned, a style you have loved with a masochism unparalleled. We’d adore a picture of the wicked object of your agonized affection, but you must at least confess what fashion item hurt you, and why you continued wearing it in your twisted triumph and shame. Excellent topic!


So Beautiful!

Manolo says, some of the time, Pucci makes the gasps! Yes, this shoe it indeed most costly, but is it not also most beautiful?


Advice for the Climate Change

Manolo says, here from one of the Manolo’ s many internet friends, is the unusual question for the shoeblogger. Hello Manolo! Can you tell me with the warming of the globe will we all be wearing sandals 24/7 or just in the summer months? My husband is the shoe designer of the cold weather footwear here in Portland, Oregon so I am worried he might need to switch categories. Please advise. Love you, love you, love you, Manolo! Bridget Although the Manolo is the creature of the sun, who prefers to avoid the worst of the weather of the winter,…


The Third Butabi

Manolo says, look, even the brothers Butabi are appalled by these antics.


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is the Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Reading… Listening to… The Manolo has been moved by the Colonel Blimp to see all of the movies of the Powell and Pressberger.


Carnivale of the Couture #14

Manolo says, the latest Carnivale of the Couture it is now available at the Final Fashion!


The Stamps of the Maestro

Manolo says, this it is the photoshopped confection, however, is it not brilliant none the less? P.S. Many thanks to the Magista who sent this to the Manolo the Shoeblogger, and many congratulations to the super fantastic Ivanas, who designed this marvelous tribute to the Maestro Manolo.