Elton’s Closet

Manolo says, Ayyyyyyy! The little peoples, they will have the chance to the buy the Elton John’s hand-me-downs! GARAGE SALE: Elton John and hubby David Furnish are cleaning out their closets for charity. Elton’s Closet is a massive five-day public sale of clothing and accessories from his personal wardrobe. The makeshift store will be open to the public on the concourse level of Rockefeller Center today through Saturday. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Yes, it is for the good cause, but judging from the flippity-floppitys on the display here , you would have…


Manolo’s Monday Morning Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few things that will perhaps amuse… Did not the great Alexander himself, peckish on a hill in Ctesiphon, eat his pickled eels with a dagger? Some of you may fondly remember Montana’s more elaborate schemes like the kidnapping plot and the part where she tried to electrocute Cherish in her own jacuzzi. The Gallery of the Absurd.


Carnivale of Couture #12

Manolo says, the Carnivale of the Couture #12 it is now available for your fashion reading pleasure at the Kiss Me, Stace.