The Hacking of the Manolo
Manolo says, Ayyyyyyyyyy!
It appears that the blogs of the Manolo have been hacked into by the persons unknown to the Manolo, who have installed the trojan download onto the front page of all of the Manolo’s blogs.
The Manolo belives that he has taken care of this problem, however, you if you visited the blogs of the Manolo during the preceeding day, you may wish to examine your computers for the trojan progams.
It is perhaps the virus described at this link that you may wish to look for. It is the virus the TROJ_WMFCRASH.C or perhaps one of its variations.
The Manolo himself he uses the Macintosh, and so his machine has not been affected by this infestation, which it is perhaps why he did not notice this earlier.
Of the course, the Manolo he offers you his most heartfelt apologies for any problems this may have caused you.
girl 18 years ago
I love you, manolo! oh hot one!
Nicole 18 years ago
I knew the Manolo had impeccable taste in shoes and now I know he also has the perfect taste in computers.
A 18 years ago
All hail the impermeability of the Macintosh!
*hugs her iBook*
swim girl 18 years ago
Charlotte 18 years ago
I wish Apple would design a shoe.
Mari 18 years ago
Can you name this trojan so I can google it myself, instead of following a link to a site whose name I don’t recognize? Just call me wildly cynical.
StyleGraduate 18 years ago
Mari, it appears to be this one: TROJ_WMFCRASH.C
Mari 18 years ago
Thanks, StyleGraduate! If I’ve learned nothing else from email scams, it’s to always go to the site yourself, because you never know if the warning isn’t really the hack itself. Admittedly, it’s hard to believe that such a loathsome person could imitate Manolo — but it’s good to be sure.
kim 18 years ago
Golly, I’m glad you’re okay. I would perish if anything happened to your website.
Cat 18 years ago
Manolo, I gave the link to your blog to someone, and he said it tried to download a trojan to his computer, and this was *after* you made this post — so it seems that the problem is not yet corrected.
Manolo the Shoeblogger 18 years ago
Many thanks to the Cat for this warning.
The Manolo he had indeed missed three more pages upon which the hackers had implanted their nefarious code.
They are now cleansed. But now the Manolo, he must go back and see if there are perhaps other instances which have been missed.
katerina 18 years ago
I happen to run Mozilla Firefox; does anyone know if this Trojan gets through Firefox?
StyleGraduate 18 years ago
“If I’ve learned nothing else from email scams, it’s to always go to the site yourself, because you never know if the warning isn’t really the hack itself.”
Mari, I agree completely. Fortunately I run Linux, so I can pretty confidently go anywhere I want. :)
Kim 18 years ago
I run Firefox as well, and I haven’t had any problems. I searched for the virus and I didn’t find it on my computer. Looks like we’re in the clear :D
Cat 18 years ago
You’re welcome, Manolo! I hope you get the problem corrected, and may the hackers suffer a plague of boils.
Katerina, I also use Firefox, and I searched high and low for the virus on my computer, and it was nowhere to be found. Woohoo! Huzzah for Firefox!
Another Firefox user 18 years ago
Yes, once more we see that the safest way to the internet is to avoid Microsoft Explorer.
ronikins 18 years ago
Dear Manolo,
Your’s was the last site from which I thought I’d pick up a Trojan! Damn those Hackers to Hell!!! McAfee spotted it and stopped it in it’s nasty tracks. I’ll light a candle for you, Manolo.
God Bless…
Dora Long 18 years ago
As in all things the Manolo has the most refined of tastes… She says, hugging her G5 in appreciation.