Crikey! It Is the Croc Attack!
Manolo says, here is the long article about how popular the Croc have become, for as we all know if something it is very popular it must be very good.
“There’s no doubt that they are very, very hot right now,” said Michael Wood, vice president of the marketing firm Teenage Research Unlimited. “The key to it is they’re comfortable, they’re practical and they’re fun … and they’re also affordable so you can buy into the trend without making a big investment.”
Jen Mosher of Tuscaloosa, Ala., said she got her first pair of Crocs for Christmas in 2002.
“I stuck them on to wear for slippers and haven’t taken them off since,” said Mosher, 39, a University of Alabama microbiology graduate student who’s often on her feet in a lab.
She now has the original Crocs in nine colors dark blue, royal blue, yellow, orange, red, purple, green, black and the tan ones she wears as dress shoes.
She cleans them by throwing them in the dishwasher.
Remind the Manolo not to have the dinner at this person’s house.
It has now become clear, that despite the best efforts of the Manolo once again, the nation it is sinking into the slough of bad shoes, and just when the curse of the Uggs had abated.
The Manolo must reiterate this point, that the Crocs they are suitable only if you are less than 10 years of the age, the point at which the vividly colorful plastic things are cute.
If you are taller than these girls, the Crocs they should be avoided.
Bethany 19 years ago
Oh and another thing-
Dress shoes? F-ing dress shoes?!
I hope she is not a mother. Some people should not procreate.
Troy 19 years ago
Troy wishes to remind Bethany to be wearing some sort of filtered breathing device while warming herself around the Crocs bonfire.
Claire 19 years ago
Whew! Glad I’m not the only one who did a triple take at the idea that those hideous monstrosities could possibly pass as dress shoes. I pretty much hate crocs with the fiery burning passion of ten billion suns, although I’m almost–almost–willing to forgive the cooks at work who wear them. They are, after all, on their feet for obscene periods of time and often get pretty messy, so I can see the advantage of a shoe you can hose off. Plus the kitchen floor is often wet and maybe they’re non-slip? I don’t know.
But I do know that I will NEVER degrade my feet by slipping them into those things.
Laura B 19 years ago
You got the orange ones as a “joke”? Damn! I thought they were kinda cute…
Chairman of the Bored 19 years ago
Crocs are …well… a CROCK. …or a cruel joke played on our eyes by a wicked dystopian hell-bent on further putrifying an already painfully unlovely world. For the second time I am forced to admit that I know a women who not only ‘luuuuvs’ these ‘shoes’, but actively advocates their charms. AT WORK!!! -and that means the crime of advocacy happens on government property. I’m sure there must be a law somewhere condemning the advocacy of wanton vulgarity. …I’M CALLING THE EPA MONDAY!!!!
Chairman of the Bored 19 years ago
Nice idea, Bethany, but I’m affraid to enact your plan would be the aiding and abetting of a crimainl enterprise. Croc-Corp, or whoever they are would only use the money to formulate even MORE shockingly profane colors, and perhaps, variations on the theme-such as SEQUINS!!! Would it be indelicate of me to hope/wonder out loud that Mr.Croc, of CrocCorp be made to wear these at his own funeral?
miah 19 years ago
i have a pair of nike shox for running. i ran a marathon in january. if i ever do another, i’m thinking of wearing my crocs. i’m not joking. they are heavenly. i, honestly, have changed into them to go on a run. would i wear them to a wedding with a strapless dress, um not unless i was running from a burning building to get to the wedding, because gee, i’d want to be comfortable while escaping fire. but otherwise, not for dress up events. what a freak! yes, i think the woman with a crazy collection is a freak and the fact that she has one for dress, yes, that makes her a mega freak. but that’s kinda cool that she’s that freaky. so, whatever. i’m glad not everyone wears the same shoes, that would be borning. and who cares what the lab lady is wearing? obviously a lot of people, geesh. and hey mike- do you want to fight troy? might i suggest wearing a pair of comfy crocs, in case he’s bigger than you and you have to run away?
mochasoul86 19 years ago
there are many uses for crocs. but they should only be used in the appropriate situations. thus take notice, croc wearers, where these should probably be worn:
1. In an OR. When i meet the doctor, i would definitely prefer much more “authoritative” footwear; in the event of possibly slicing me open, i’d rather you not focus on your fashionable tootsies. Same story for those who have similar hospital jobs.
2. I’ll allow sailing or other filthy situations that are profoundly messy, like butchering.( i’m sure any blood and gore job will merit wearing crocs.)
Other wise . . .
1. Those who never see a scalple should NEVER wear Crocs. My sister, who is a PA and works 12 hour shifts and sometimes longer, manages to wear appropriate and fashionable sneakers everyday.
2. They shouldn’t be worn for workouts, unless you have a legit excuse, like working out in rural Siberia.
3. Children should not wear them. Parents should be training their kids to look appropriate. Just because you are 5 years old doesn’t justify looking like a clown.
4. No shoes should be washed in the dishwasher, EVER. If the shoes look like they can go in the dishwasher, DON’T WASH THEM IN THE DISHWASHER! You think a microbiologist would know about hoof and mouth disease.
Mike 19 years ago
Troy needs to stop living in an echo chamber and recognize that dissing people’s footwear is a real waste of time. It makes you look like much more of a clown than Crocs would
Chairman of the Bored 19 years ago
…Not wanting to be philosophical or anything, but the spectre of an entree into serious thought on this matter is to be found in many posts above.
Firstly we note that Crocs are a polarizing shoe. (or “shoe”)
Because polarizing, then we must surmise that there is something deeper involved here than simply color choice, materials used, plane and solid geometry, etc.
I understand this to be one of the epic and never-ending battles of all of human life-which is to say that the field of engagement is that of practicality V Aesthetics.
So long as the advocates of either core position take care and not allow the battle to take on a moral dimension, all is well in the kingdom.
Should, however, we take the triumphalists position and attempt to arrogate the whole field for ourselves, then all hell breaks loose.
There are no great stakes to win in this battle after all,
Except, of course to prove conclusively that WE are right, and THEY are wrong.
The pragmatists have their beliefs,
The Aesthetes, theirs.
However the universe we inhabit is one in which the moral vacuity of equanimity is satisfying only to anasceptic souls, so we have no choice OTHER than to engage in open combat, those who refuse to take up our cause.
Let the games begin I say!
To be more …pedestrian about things; let us just begin by admitting that there are some of us whose highest priority is COMFORT.
Another whose highest priority is BEAUTY.
Comfort corresponds to the tellurian passions,
Beauty, the Cerebral.
Thus Plato would place as the natural rulers…oh, lets forget that part.
The frequent fault of our comfort-loving brethren is that they too easily forget the comfort of the eyes of your fellow man is ALSO a very valid concideration, and to make short shrift of ones DUTY to be at least minimally pleasing is heading off in the direction of rudeness.
Therefore one ought not to let ones legitimate love of comfort overrun your fellow mans legitimate desire to live in a beautiful world.
Ergo Reason confirms that the Sun of this logical enigma is Aesthetics.
The moon, Pragmatics.
We who travel aright take our bearings from the sun and walk upright in daylight.
…so to speak.
[and not in Croks!]
class-factotum 19 years ago
For flying???? No, no, no, no, no, no!!! When one flies, one must wear nice clothes! Not only in consideration of one’s fellow passengers (one is not working in the yard, one is not at the gym, one is not taking a nap — one is IN PUBLIC!), but also in hopes that one might be upgraded to first class by a gate agent who is in a good mood.
Yes. This does happen. My former boyfriend works for an airline. He has a lot of freedom to put people in first class or to take them out. He refuses to upgrade people (even if they had the miles) who are not dressed appropriately. Men in shorts, sandals or wifebeaters never sit in first class on his shift. He just tells them it is full. “Someone who has paid for a first-class seat doesn’t want to sit next to one of those losers,” he says. “No one wants to touch their bare legs or see their armpit hair or gnarly feet.”
But if there is room, he puts women traveling alone with small children in first class just to make their lives easier — without their asking. He picks other people at random to put up in first class. Being dressed nicely does not hurt.
And how much time does it take to remove shoes at security, anyhow? There are only so many hours in life. Why not spend them nicely dressed and shod?
Dee Sara 19 years ago
Have to admit it, I bought a pair about a month ago and I am in LOVE.
Hands down the most comfortable footwear I’ve ever owned.
Still, they are terribly silly-looking so I have to be pretty judicious about where and when I wear them…
JaneC 19 years ago
My grandmother was a nurse once upon a time and long ago, when nurses wore starched white uniforms and white leather shoes. She abhors the unnattractive scrubs of today, but even more does she abhor the ugly footwear of nurses today. She thought her nursing shoes were pretty bad, but Crocs? Don’t get her started.
Also, yes, they’re easy to clean, but is it really wise to be wearing them in a situation where you’ll be getting blood on them? I mean, they have holes, wouldn’t you get blood on your feet? If you’re in a situation where you have to cover your hands with gloves, wouldn’t you want your other body parts also suitably protected? Open-toe, open-heel shoes in an OR does not seem sanitary or safe. If it is, I’d like to hear the explanation.
Troy 19 years ago
So I’m wasting time dissing other people’s footwear. If this is Rome, I’m doing as the Romans do. It’s my time to waste, after all. But I fail to see — perhaps it’s the echo chamber I’m living in that is clouding my vision — that if what I’m doing is a waste of time, how dissing people who are dissing people’s footwear is a valuable use of time.
class-factotum 19 years ago
Dissing other peoples’ footwear is a hobby.
gracie 19 years ago
i totally agree! Crocs shld be left for kids.. seriously. what were the manufacturer thinking? -.-
David B 19 years ago
My 5 year-old daughter is currently begging for a pair of these…things. My wife is almost willing to cave and buy a pair, but I am adamant. I simply tell her, “In our family, we do not wear plastic shoes.”
miah 19 years ago
in my family we only wear plastic shoes!
Shannon 19 years ago
When I went to Tennessee with my family in April, Crocs were everywhere!! My mom and I were so shocked to see so many people wearing these hideous monstrosities (I probably spelled that wrong), and even more shocked to see them being sold at the Journey’s in the mall by where we live (and we live in NY). They’re just so ugly, not even kids should be wearing them. And using them for nursing shoes?! My mom has been a nurse for 25 years and she said that she would never wear them to work. All of the nurses that wear Crocs, I suggest that you invest in a pair of the Skechers with the elastic velcro (whatever it is), or (and I’m not kidding) a pair of cheerleading sneakers because those are the comfiest things in the world!
Bethany, just tell me where and when the bonfire will be and I’ll gladly join you.
Michael Wagner 19 years ago
I wrote a posting for MarketingProfs “Daily Fix” this week called, “Hate My Brand…Please”. The Crocs story served as my illustration the power of a brand that people hate.
This seems to be a case where good fashion and good business part.
And Crocs are not the only example of a brand that splits people between love and hate.
As people what they think about the Scion xB car; and you will get much the same reaction. Most will call it ugly…and yet it is a very successful new car.
Maybe there is no explaining people.
Tara 19 years ago
My boyfriend and I were looking for Crocs online and saw this blog. Hmmmm, interesting stuff here. We are both nurses and we both love our Crocs. Who gives a steaming pile of fecal matter what they look like if they keep you comfortable. After all, comfortable nurses are happy nurses and happy nurses keep you alive! Oh, for those of you who think they only come with holes, check their website. They do have models without holes to help nurses keep your entrails off our feet when you come to us on the verge of death.
Vincenzo Ravina 19 years ago
Crocs are the worst. And because I hate them so, I bought the domain I Hate Crocs Dot Com ( in an effort to end the Crocs pandemic once and for all. Rally around! Stop the Crocs outbreak!
Atomic Bombshell 19 years ago
My first impression to these shoes was, “UGG!” which as we all know is not only short for “UGLY” but yet another type of horifying shoe, every bit as unsightly as these clogs that seem to be popping up just about everywhere… Sad.
Queen Kudzu 19 years ago
Even worse than the Crocs themselves, there is actually a company called “Jibbitz” making ridiculous things (like flowers, jewels, basketballs etc etc) to stick in the holes of the shoes! I was horrified enough when my mother in law presented the hideous red plastic shoes to my five year old daughter, but the other day she gave her butterflies, hearts, and pink jewels to stick in the holes. Yikes, the things people will spend money on…..
Sandie 19 years ago
Hey Everyone, I love my Crocs For Work. I am a nurse, Yhey are anti microbial meaning they resist germs, those holes make your feet cooler for use that work on our feet all day. and the reason behind the large look is that they are meant to not touch any sides of your feet to reduce all pressure. If you are a hard working nurse, beleive me, these shoes are a god send. Now for out side of work is a whole different story. Maybe now you will understand.
Amanda 18 years ago
Egad! I cannot stand Crocs. Before them my pet peeve for shoes were Birkenstocks! Even the new ballet slipper Crocs are terrible! I actually saw a whole family wearing crocs, same colour and style! Please, step away from the plastic!
NIKOLE 18 years ago
I absolutely think these are adorable for children. I think it’s so unfair to say that these shoes should be outlawed and banned. There are so many people that have been Blessed by these shoes. Because of the construction, those with surgical issues, bone infractions and so on are thrilled to have shoes that they can wear comfortably. Our medical professionals wear these shoes and are able to withstand long hours on their feet in Crocs. Adults love to trek through the house in their comfort and why not in their Crocs. If teens are able to feel apart of the IN CROWD just by wearing these shoes… is that really so bad? It could be drugs, sex and destruction. As we have approached the one year mark of KATRINA, there are so many other pressing issues in this country confronting us all. I can only hope that as a designer of fine European shoes, purses and handbags that you all have put as much passion into humanity and compassion for our United States citizens as you have wasted on this blog. God Bless you all and I pray that no one will ever judge your life so harshly.
Croc-ed 18 years ago
I have a LOT of issues with my feet being a Diabetic who is struggling to get and keep her blood sugars under control. My Mother in Law introduced me to the Croc sandals over the summer and I have never looked back! I have a TERRIBLE time with my feel swelling and could not even hope to stand to be on them all afternoon to enjoy an outing in any other shoes until I bought my Crocs!
The sandals aren’t as ugly as the regular ones, which both my husband and I got a pair of for working in the yard. I did wear my black sandals as dress shoes to an outdoor wedding, and was complemented on how attractively I was dressed several times. But the most important thing is that I HAVE MY LIFE BACK!!!
I can now join my family at the Museum, the Renaissance Faire, the beach, or the Science Academy. We explored a small town all afternoon and my shoes accomodated the minimal swelling I experienced easily. When I got home, I washed my shoes in the sink with regular antibacterial dish soap. They did NOT smell, even after me wearing them for hours and my feet didn’t hurt AT ALL!! My kids are happy that their Mother can safely attend outings again. Crocs are the best shoes that I have ever worn, bar none.
Pretty shoes are NOT always the best shoes for every person. Individuals have different needs from one another. Maybe folks who like their Crocs are happy, and life is too short to not be happy!
tia nieve 18 years ago
The Tia Nieve, she works all day on her feet in comfortable yet elegant shoes, yet when she returns to Casa Nieve, she slips on the Crocs of a subdued sage green and wriggles her toes against the nubbly soles. The Crocs they are as are the slippers so fuzzy would be to the Tia Nieve, and she appreciates them for what they are. The Tia Nieve would never wear her Crocs in public, or even to the market-so-super or the station of gasoline, just as she would never to those places wear the slippers so fuzzy.
The Tia Nieve believes that one wears appropriate shoes for all occasions. The comfortable yet elegant shoes are appropriate for the work of the Tia Nieve. The Crocs of the subdued sage green are appropriate for the toe-wriggling at the Casa Nieve.
Sophie 18 years ago
Crocs are so cute. Something must be wrong with the group that freak out over Crocs. I have seen the most fashionable young women wearing Crocs – many different styles – and they look fabulous. When we find a shoe that is cute, comfortable, funky, why do so many people have to criticize it. Must be something very wrong with them to spend the effort worried about what I and my friends wear.
Not only “get a life, but you had better do it quickly’. There are a lot more important things to worry about than my shoes. Viva la Crocs!
Sophie 18 years ago
Addendum to my Sophie say: Also, the most fashionable young Men are wearing Crocs. What a great shoe.
Laurie 18 years ago
I have diabetes. I also have Manolos, Cole-Haans, Esprits, Vitadinis, Mootsie Tootsies, Aerosoles, Birkies, and the most expensive you-name-it-brand shoes.
Since I cannot be civil if my feet hurt, I wear Crocs. Crocs anywhere, but to dressy events, because shoes for my feet are better than shoes for my head.
My senior citizen peers, after seeing me wearing Crocs, have been embolded enough to purchase their own. We agree, they are comfy and affordable. I wish they were invented sooner.
People, I used to work in healthcare, poo on leather and fabric shoes, which cannot be cleansed. I highly recommend wearing closed toe Crocs instead. While a dishwasher gets hot enough to kill the bacteria, just leave them at work and disinfect them regularly. If bright colors are not professional, duh… buy the neutrals. Your healthcare professionals would concentrate more on your diagnosis and treatment, not their hurting feet.
Pat 17 years ago
I work in a medical uniform store and sold Crocs for about 3 months. I bought a pair and thought they were they most uncomfortable shoes I’ve ever put on my feet. Nurses think they are comfortable–wait a couple of years and we will be listening to your foot complaints. Think about it. Heel fascities, heel spurs, fallen arches. You are not doing your feet any favors. There are alot of great shoes out there for the nurses and doctors.