Reel Clothes!
Manolo says, the Manolo he has just discovered the Reel Clothes, the place where you can buy the actual clothes used in the actual movies.
Look! It is the Pam Anderson’s shoes !
And the Kevin Spacey’s toupee!
P.S. Many thanks to the City Rag for this.
Bridget in Oregon 18 years ago
HOW COOL IS THAT???? You are indeed Super Fantastic for posting this, Manolo.
Phyllis 18 years ago
The photo of his rug is broken! Darn – I’d also like to see his Bobby Darin hairpiece.
Meli 18 years ago
I can’t believe you actually found fuzzy shoes that don’t look too cheesy. Good job! smiles :)
miss kubelik 18 years ago
Dear the Manolo, the SuperFantastic:
Thank you for offering so much light on the issues of footwear and fashion.
You are not simply an inspiration, but the inspiration who gets this Midwestern gal to think outside decades’ long habits. And the commenters on this blog are both humorous and insightful. It’s a delight to browse these pages.
StyleGraduate 18 years ago
Those shoes are pretty scary – yikes! And what would you do if you bought them? Clearly (snicker) you couldn’t wear them, and why would you want to display them? They’d bring down the level of the decor in even a second rate strip joint!