Famous Lasts

Manolo says, here is the historic photo from the Museum of the Salvatore Ferragamo. Who knew the Ingrid Bergman had such the big Swedish feets. No wonder the Bogey had to stand on the apple crates. Found at the wonderful Italian fashion blog: La Regole dell’Attrazione


The Next Carnivale of the Couture

Manolo says, the topic for the next Carnivale of the Couture it is now posted at the blog of the Coquette. Here is the topic: As we look ahead to Fall season next month, what is one item of clothing you will miss in your Summer wardrobe and what is one item you are coveting for Fall? This it is the very good question. As for the Manolo, when the seasons change from the summer into the fall, the Manolo he will bid the fond adieu to his summer wardrobe, and he will say “hello old friend” to his fall…


Project Runway 3, Week 6

Manolo says, poor Alison, sent away for the crime of making her model look like the Ivanka Trump. Yes, Alison’s outfit was the monstrosity, although it was certainly not worse than the terrible tinfoil fairy costume of the Kayne. But the Kayne with his stereotypically bitchy-flamboyant personality and the panicky Vincent, always on the verge of blowing the fuse, are “good television” and so the sweet and unoffensive, vanilla-flavored Allison was dumped. Do not worry, she is talented and nice and knows how to make the clothes, so she will be fine. As for the top finishers, Michael, Jeffrey, and…