Project Runway 3, Week 6
Manolo says, poor Alison, sent away for the crime of making her model look like the Ivanka Trump.
Yes, Alison’s outfit was the monstrosity, although it was certainly not worse than the terrible tinfoil fairy costume of the Kayne. But the Kayne with his stereotypically bitchy-flamboyant personality and the panicky Vincent, always on the verge of blowing the fuse, are “good television” and so the sweet and unoffensive, vanilla-flavored Allison was dumped. Do not worry, she is talented and nice and knows how to make the clothes, so she will be fine.
As for the top finishers, Michael, Jeffrey, and Laura, each was quite good, although once again, it was the Michael who stood out and deserved to win. His outfit it was beautiful and original and completely wearable, indeed it was the sort of thing that could be worn to the royal wedding…well, perhaps for one of the minor nobles, like one of Prince Michael’s childrens.
Likewise, Jeffrey proved himself to be the Master of the Trash with his marvelous and innovative dress. And where did that come from? To this point he has shown so little of the talent that this outfit seemed to be sui generis, as if it had emerged fully formed from his neck tattoo.
As for the Laura, Manolo is now convinced that this finish, third place, it is the best the Laura can hope for. Her dress was elegant, simple, and beautiful, but as always derivative. Yes, the dress was made out of the peanut sacks, but still we have seen this dress somewhere before. And this is the problem. She has impeccable taste, but her talent as the designer, it is to make beautiful tasteful objects that seem powerfully familiar. Because of this, she will be hard pressed to win the competition.
Of the course, the Laura, she is also turning out to be the prize bitch, one cannot keep her pie hole shut when she should. But because she is also very smart the Manolo believes that this behavior is partly calculated, but only partly.
As for the others: Robert appears to the Manolo to be sinking under the weight of his own despondency; Uli, the Little German Engine that Could, chugs along, able to make the flowing, shapless hippy dress even when given nothing more than the mound of shiny garbage; and Angela, meh. She needs to turn up the evil if she hopes to stay longer than her talent would justify.
Meanwhile, the returned Michael Kors continues to delight us with his scathing wit and catty bon mots. Indeed, the Manolo is now looking for the opportunity to work the phrase “looks like the paper brioche” into his everyday conversation.
And then there is Nina. Nina, Nina, Nina. So beautiful, so bitchy, so mean.
Nina, the Manolo feels this great and unaccountable affection for you. He would love to have the intimate lunch with you. The Manolo shall order the poached salmon and the green salad, you shall have the extra rare steak with the tumbler of scotch and the side order of bile. Such fun!
As for the guest judge, Rachel Zoe, all the Manolo can say is that she would have been the good choice last year, before she was over.
Lisa 18 years ago
Even the Laura’s breasts hate her, as evidenced by their attempted escape from her final runway frock. “Will no one save us from this prominent sternum!?!”
I love the Michael; he is my new tv husband, but the Lisa’s 9-year-old son has fallen under the spell of the Jeffrey and his Tattoo of Misogynistic Quackity-Quack. He finds him “cool.” I have failed as a parent, I fear.
localgirl 18 years ago
I have only recently aquired cable (a deal with the devil that will almost certainly end badly), and I am addicted to Project Runway. I want to see more of Mr. Gunn (sp?) – he is deeply cool. Does the Manolo agree? I can see the two working together wonderfully; The super fantastic Manolo and the super cool Gunn – the combined perfect storm of good taste and intelligence!
Ms Zoe 18 years ago
Can I be the only one who thought that Jeffrey should have had this one in the bag? As repugnant as he is I was much impressed by his dress. Vivienne Westwood probably wishes she would have thought that one up.
Laura is a one-trick bitchy pony and as such they will keep her around to the bitter end. Did you notice she even SLEEPS in the same clothes she wears and designs for every challenge? God save us from her clavicles!
Gorgeous Things 18 years ago
The Laura’s pregnancy hormones are beginning to show. I loved that Kayne immediately questioned her character, saying that was worse! Kayne, you are my hero! And Vincent redeemed himself, if only a tiny bit, when he told her to stuff her Harry Winstons up her nose. Apparently the silence in the room after that statement was (according to Tim Gunn) deafening.
Lee 18 years ago
I agree with Ms. Zoe, Jeffrey’s dress should have won (not Jeffrey, mind you, just his dress). I love that the camera almost always focusses on him and his big eye rolls when someone else is getting a compliment.
CyndiF 18 years ago
I’m amazed that so many starlets flock to Rachel Zoe. Yes, you get access to her incredible wardrobe, but the woman’s face is a scary testament to the wages of hard living (she’s only 34 years old!) and the danger of following in her footsteps. Plus, I don’t get why it’s supposed to be sexy for Nichole Ritchie to look like a 40 year old divorcee who’s been around the block a few too many times. These girls should enjoy looking young while they have the chance.
CK 18 years ago
I was disappointed that Allison left. She, Michael, Kayne, and (surprisingly) Angela seemed the only ones capable of stepping outside of their designated “look.”
Uli does hippie and floaty.
Laura does crisp and efficient.
Jeffrey does angry rock.
Vincent does insane artist.
Robert does blah.
They bore with their consistency.
I didn’t think Allison would win, but I didn’t find her boring either. You knew she would turn out something thoughtful and interesting for each challenge. Too bad.
Also, why don’t these people defend themselves on the runway? To hear Kayne say, “Look it didn’t work out the way I expected so I had to make do” was refreshing. Why wouldn’t Allison explain the problems? Let the judges know you tried!
*shakes head sadly*
pupok 18 years ago
Ayyyy! Manolo, I foolishly opened my RSS reader before I checked my Tivo and you told me the ending!
Oh well, I just watched the episode and I have to say I am so sick of looking at Laura’s sternum. I am so disappointed to see Allison leave.
twistygirl 18 years ago
Twistygirl is still squealing that her super boyfriend Michael won! Ayyyyy! How could anybody not love the Michael? And I think that the Michael Kors coming back will help Michael stay in the frontrunner position, as Kors the Brilliante seems to understand Michael’s thoughtful, impeccable stylie style.
Twistygirl is not sad to see Alison go. Her breathy fake accent was starting to get on my nerves, and she has not shown me any reason for staying.
I think the judges are afraid to kick the crazynutty Vincent off because they do not want to be morally responsib
twistygirl 18 years ago
(continued from previous, damned work connection is playing games with the computer)…
they do not want to be morally responsible for the inevitable breakdown and possible mass shootings that will follow Vincent’s dismissal.
eowyn_2 18 years ago
I have also recently dealt with the Direct TV devil and have access to actual Project Runway episodes now rather than just the website. Last night was the first time *ever* that I was able to watch a non-rerun/non DVD Project Runway (and I just found the DVD’s last week).
And you know my first thought on this momentous occasion?
“I bet the Manolo is watching this at the same time!”
Ditto to most things already said. Allison’s dress, while clunky and on a “plus size” model (HAA!!) was much more inventive than Kayne’s craft project or Vincent’s paper-sneeze. What fun though!
Miz Shoes 18 years ago
First, Miz Shoes must say that she did not read the Manolo’s review prior to writing her own, and she is delighted and humbled to discover that we used the same phrases regarding the delightful Michael Kors.
Second, Miz Shoes has posted on her blog the inspiration for Vincent’s dress (not Jackson Pollack as Tim Gunn suggested, but the fabulous Joan Miro), and is unapologetic in her affection for the Crazy Vinny. Yes, the Harry Winston line was wonderful.
Third, as non-suckular as Jeffrey’s dress was, it seems to Miz Shoes that it was merely a re-do of the Evil Santino’s dress from the first challenge in Season 2.
dillene 18 years ago
I noticed that the dress on Laura’s model was similar in style to the dress she herself was wearing, only Laura’s model had larger breasts. Doesn’t Laura have children? Mangia already!
gemdiva 18 years ago
The Gemdiva is so very happy that the Michael has won again. He is so very talented, stays at arm’s length from the petty intrigue AND calls his mother when he has the blues. The man is practically perfect in every way.
Alas, I am completely disillusioned with the Laura. Anyone who can state that the New Jersey “looks as bad as it always does” speaks obviously from the ignorance and would not be welcome in the Gemdiva’s neighborhood. I’m also getting bored with her clothes and her chest looks painful (not only to her, but to anyone she might hug, ugh).
I liked the Allison and will miss her sweet little Jackie O voice. I really think she got judged more on the cartoony hair bow than on the dress itself, which the Gemdiva thought was not all bad compared to Kayne’s disaster. And enough already with Vincent’s 401K cashing in story (or was it the kids’ college fund).
And no one was more surprised than Jeffrey when Michael won judging by the expression on his face. I’d watch my back and sleep with one eye open at all times if I were the Michael.
v2m3 18 years ago
Why oh why oh why oh why is Vincent allowed to remain when Allison handled the stress with such aplomb? Allison, I feel will go far in her career not only because she obviously posesses talent but also due to her quiet personality, self-assuredness and overall pleasant demeanor. Good luck to you Allison!
As much as I hate hate hate Jeffrey of the unfortunate neck tattoo, his exaggerated expressions when he does not win are priceless. It’s fun to watch him –> not
the materialist 18 years ago
The Materialist has decided that anyone who argues with Nina should be booted immediately.
Vincent, please take your outrageously dated designs and poor construction and horrid judgement to the nearest mental institution immediately.
SupairHaji 18 years ago
Oh, I loved the Jeffrey’s dress and would have worn it to….well, I do not know quite where to, but I would have!
I have no clue where one would wear a plastic stole, however, not even in this rainy city, sorry Sir Knight.
Vincent’s Harry Winston line has endeared him to us here, thus proving that he is not COMPLETELY out of touch- he knew who the Harry Winston was AND knew that Laura’s nose would be okay to hold them. The cow says MOO, Vinnie, good job!
Ronikins 18 years ago
Has anyone else noticed that last three auf’s were all three the quiet, vanilla-y girls? As The Manolo says….production machinations are afoot. Too bad. So much for the reality of this unreal show.
meow 18 years ago
The Allison is much more beautiful than the Heidi. Perhaps the Heidi had had enough. The Vincent, he is no problem. :)
khanada 18 years ago
Oh… am I really the only one who likes Laura? I don’t think she should win, but I think her designs are sharp. While it wasn’t an appropriate time to lash out at Vincent, I like that she isn’t cowed by all the guys who seem to be ganging up on her. And I like the friendship she seems to have with Michael and even Angela after their team challenge.
But while I do like her aesthetic, I must admit the boob almost falling out of her shirt was alarming…
Nancy Liedel 18 years ago
I am infinitely sick of the Barbie Doll designer coming up short. Robert where is thy Bob Mackie-ish delight? Perhaps the models lack in the upper torso department confuddles him?
I believe that Heidi Klum is evil. I have never believed this before, but to call that poor wasp of a model a plus size is just cruel at best. Her stats say she has a 24 inch waist. Since when is that a plus size?
Martha 18 years ago
As very 1970s Norman Mailer meets Taxi Driver as the Martha finds the Jeffrey, it was a kickass dress.
And while Laura does evoke Cruella, she was not wrong in her furious assessment of Vincent’s dress, and I was amused at her mercifully brief rap attempt with the divine Michael, who deserves heaven and more…
VeddyVeddyBadAng 18 years ago
I too like Laura, and I thought her attack of Vincent’s dress was understandable, given the circumstances. I mean, look at it from her point of view – this kook-ball gets to stay, when his dress was worse than Alison’s. Alison, whom everyone, including Laura, clearly liked and has obvious talent. I would be pissed off too if she was thrown off in order to keep a wacko like Vincent just because he’s a good “character” for the show.
I thought for sure he would go because he is ALWAYS in the bottom three! That’s some pretty consistent sucking, and it should be rewarded with an auf’ing. (It’s pretty obvious that Tim hates the guy too, and he seems to be a good judge…)
Carrie Ann 18 years ago
I still like Laura, although I admit that she is tactless and arrogant. My loyalty to her is partly in response to the cattiness of the men (except darling Michael, of course). It seems to me that maybe they’re threatened by her personality, and they respond with all of the typical “bad mommy” rhetoric. She should be sweet and quiet and impressed by all of their creations, and instead she’s bitchy and critical. Every one of them is bitchy and critical; they just prefer to express it behind each other’s backs. And Kayne? Couching the attitude in a Southern drawl doesn’t make it any nicer. Ugh, I was really disgusted with Kayne, Robert, Vincent and Jeffrey this week.
ushie 18 years ago
The Laura’s pectoral bones are getting on my last nerve. For God’s sake, woman, find a dress that covers that expanse of thin-flesh over pointy bones!
I was cheered to hear Michael Kors call Allison’s “zaftig” “plus-sized” model a girl with a beautiful body. Michael, you have the class and the wonderfulness!
I, too, think it was that Daisy Duck hairbow that got Allison auf’ed. A more Grecian style, or perhaps Pre-Raphaelite, might have saved the Dress of Many Pleats.
Robert, he is boring me to death. Barbie is dressed so prettily! She would never show up to any doll event in dull clothes! Robert, go back to your first true love for the inspiration!
I kinda like Vincent’s craziness. I think he will surprise us all with something so amazingly bizarre we will fall in love with it.
Jessica 18 years ago
When the Manolo said that Robert was “sinking…,” all I could think of was Artax and the “Swamp of Sadness” (click my name for reminder). Poor Eeyorish Robert! Why does working for the Barbie make him so blue?
mona 18 years ago
I am shocked Jeffrey wasn’t euthanized by Angela after his less than “dog pound” treatment of her mother. And what was that God awful ET triangle sewn on her chest?Yes, Jeffrey it might just be time to phone home and, if you keep it up, you’ll be calling collect with the accepting party asking “Jeffrey who?”. He needs to suffocate himself w/Michael’s plastic wrap before he has to design new dentures for his big mouth. Of course, before he can do this, he must unstick his lips from Vincent walking garbage art glue stick. Oh, and newsflash, Robert and the “barbie people” fooled us all by using Project Runway to promote Barbie’s new geriatric line coming this fall to a store near you. And one more thing, has anyone checked out the 8 cent reward for the delusinal man that escaped a psychiatric ward a few months ago. The reward is not for the man but for the stolen scaps taken while cutting out paper dolls which, while the man was escaping, was screaming frantically “I refuse to let this refuse be tossed away like it was refuse. I can make beautiful walking garbage and everyone will bow down to me with appreciation. I truly hope they remember to wear undergarments!”
meliblue- Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 7:34 AM EDT