Manolo at the Politics Central

Manolo says, the Manolo he has been asked by his internet friends at the Politics Central they have asked him to contribute the pieces to their site. Here, then, is the first of the Manolo’s efforts. Manolo says, the Manolo writing at the Politics Central? Ayyyyyyyy! The Manolo has the politics? Who could suspect such the thing! He seemed so nice! Do not worry, the Manolo he has become neither the right winged nut, nor the leftist bat of the moon, and indeed his legendary indifference to the normal flow of the politics it has remained unshaken. Or, rather, perhaps…


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the latest of the Manolo’s columns for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I am a happily married mother of three, and I’m finding that as my 35th birthday approaches, I am craving some really nice red shoes. OK, “nice” isn’t the word. More like “hot”! Can you recommend some red heels, not over 3 ½ inches that are super fantastic but not too “young”? Cahdi Manolo says, ayyyyyy! What better way to celebrate the birthday than with the new pair of the shoes! Of the course, as the Manolo’s friend Cahdi has indicated,…