Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I’ve been noticing a lot of large cuffed, pirate-inspired boots this season. I’ve always been a pirate-loving girl, and I was hoping you could suggest a pair. Lauren Manolo says, Yo Ho! Yo Ho! The pirate’s boot for thee! Apparently it is that time again, the time for the cyclical return of the pirate fashion, which comes back every few years dragging its puffy shirts, floppy boots, and crazy teased hair with it. Yes, these things they look good on the Johnny Depp,…


Project Runway 3, Week 11

Manolo says, and it was the disappointingly anti-climactic week of disappointing anti-climaxes. First, the Manolo must admit, that the previous week without the televised episode had diminished the Manolo’s enthusiasm, especially when he had already seen the final collections on the runway, collections which did not overly impress the Manolo. And so because his ardor for the designers had perhaps cooled, the Manolo found that he was this week less interested in their risible antics, and much less interested in their “artistic” visions, having already seen the disappointing final product of those visions. But the Manolo must carry on manfully…


Manolo in the Fortune Magazine

Manolo says, speaking of the Crocs, the Manolo has been cited in the most recent issue of the Fortune Magazine. As I obsessed about the sudden proliferation of Crocs, I realized that they are not so much a new category as the latest in a pantheon of ugly shoes that became a fashion phenomenon despite – or maybe because of – their bad looks. Think Jellies, Earth shoes, Birkenstocks, and most recently Uggs, to name a few. (Remember the Ugg-boot with miniskirt look that swept through New York and L.A. and then everywhere else a few years back? No? Lucky…


Tim Gunn on the Crocs

Manolo says, quite obviously, the Tim Gunn does not like the Crocs. Arlington, Va.:Tim, In what is, to me, a particularly distressing trend, I have seen many women (and quite a few men) wearing crocs in public. Is this truly acceptable? Is there some sort of fashion clearinghouse which decides on a whim that actions which would normally result in ostracization are instead cool and accepted? Tim, please offer your advice. Tim Gunn: Ohhhhh… May I respond by merely saying, “I hate crocs. May they please go away.” The Manolo could not have said it better.


Debtaunt Update

Manolo says, the long time readers of the Manolo know that Manolo’s internet friend the Debutaunt she has been fighting and winning the lengthy and difficult battle with the grave illness. Here is the latest update on her condition from her sister. Hi Manolo, I know that you have read some of Deb’s site over at Right now she’s trying to raise money for a walk she’s getting ready to do. She just got another clean biopsy and is still kicking cancer’s ass, and her goal now, besides kicking cancer’s ass, is to raise $1,000,000 to fight leukemia. I…


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Listening to… Eating… Manolo says, the Manolo loves the Marcus Samuelsson


More Hair of the Presidents

Manolo says, since yesterday many of the Manolo’s internet friends have been writing to the Manolo to inquire of his opinions of the various American President’s hairs, and so as to satisfy this curiosity, the Manolo presents here his list of the top ten heads of the Presidential hairs, with the brief comments. 1. Andrew Jackson — truly and indisputable magnificent hair. Hair so romantic and heroic that even the Beethoven would be jealous. And as one commentor has noted, it is very similar to the hair of the Alexander the Great. Enough said! 2. Thomas Jefferson — Strong red…


Oversized Toddler

Manolo says, this picture, it says everything one needs to know about the Crocs P.S. Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend the super fantastic Carol!


Manolo at the Politics Central

Manolo says, the latest column of the Manolo is now available at the Politics Central. Manolo says, recently the Manolo has been thinking about the hairstyles of the Presidents. For the example, the current president, George the W. Bush, has the mostly non-descript hair; the sort of the short, no-nonsense, cut-by-the-elderly-barber-named-Mory hair. This type of the hair, it is neither especially inspirational, nor particularly dismaying, and because of this it is part of that broad and undistinguished middle ground, where the majority of the Presidential coiffure may be found. The Bush the Elder, the Harry Truman, the Coolidge, the Wilson,…


Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, My friend is getting married in November and she has selected for her bridesmaids a brown dress with a sage sash. I’d like to help her avoid the typical dyed satin slippers. What would you suggest? Dani Manolo says, November! Brown and sage! From this alone the Manolo can intuit not only the entire scheme of this wedding, from the decoration to the table centerpieces, but he can even tell you the menu at the reception, which will undoubtedly feature the roast acorn…


Ding Dong…

Manolo says, Fuller Brush lady!


Cool Out Suede

Manolo says, here is the unusual suede D’Orsay peep-toe pump from the House of Dereon. Yes, it is the bit over the top, but in the attractive and luxurious manner of which the Manolo approves. Is it not possessed of the semi-retro Hollywood glamour?