Happy Birthday!!!
Manolo shouts,
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to the Manolo’s Shoe Blog!!!!
Two years ago exactly today, the Manolo invented the shoe blog.
It was from the beginning, the intention of the Manolo to share with the world his love of the shoes, and the fashion, and the fun. And he has succeeded in this beyond his imagination, as he now has many thousands of internet friends who each day visit the shoe blog of the Manolo.
But it is not only the shoe blog of which the Manolo is proud. Indeed the Manolo is also filled with pride for his small network of blogs, and especially for the quality of the other writers who blog for him.
It is beyond argument that there are few bloggers anywhere who are as consistently funny, or write as well as Never teh Bride at the Manolo for the Brides, Izzy Gallant at the Manolo for the Men, or Mr. Henry at the Manolo’s Food Blog. If you are not reading these blogs you are missing some of the strongest writing on the internets.
What now lies ahead for the Manolo and his blogs?
There are things yet coming, dear friends, that will astound and amuse you.
Soon there will certainly be talk of the autobiography of the Manolo, Super Fantastic, the first chapters of which, after much delay, are now almost ready to be presented to the publishers.
Also, as you have perhaps noticed, the Manolo has already been writing his weekly column for the Express of the Washington Post, and the occasional pieces for the Politics Central, but it is likely that in the next month or two there will be other places where you may read the musings of the Manolo.
Of the course, the Manolo will always and forever be here at his first love, his humble shoe blog, showing his friends the pictures of the beautiful shoes, gently mocking the celebrities, and offering his advice to those in need.
Finally, and most importantly, the Manolo must thank you, his internet friends, for your attention, for your generosity, and above all for the love you have shown the Manolo. He is truly grateful for all that you have done for him.
Yes, Manolo loves the shoes, but it is doubly true that Manolo loves the readers!
Rita 18 years ago
Happy Birthday, dear fabulous blog of the super fantastic Manolo! And many, many more!
blackbird 18 years ago
Warmest wishes to you Manolo!
from your friends in Tuvalu.
shopdiary 18 years ago
happy 2nd birthday, manolo’s shoe blog!!!
Bibliovixen 18 years ago
A book! You must let us know about the finished item whenever it’s available!
Marina 18 years ago
Happy Birthday to the fabulously super fantastic Manolo’s Shoe blog!
Gigi 18 years ago
Happy Birthday to The Manolo!
The Mary 18 years ago
Happy Birthday to the humble shoe blog! The Mary is truly grateful for the Manolo. Here’s to many more of the super fantastic entries. Cheers!
Patricia 18 years ago
Happy Birthday….. Softly kisses from the Canary Islands!!!! Greetings. Patricia
Dora Long 18 years ago
“Yes, Manolo loves the shoes, but it is doubly true that Manolo loves the readers!”
Ah, and the readers, they love the Manolo!! The Dora’s humble thanks for the amusement the Manolo has given these two short years! Viva Manolo!
Muchos Besos!!! You are indeed super fantastic!
Joan 18 years ago
Many Happy Returns of the Day, Manolo!
localgirl 18 years ago
And we love you right back Manolo! Happy Birtday to your blog!
Fatfashionista 18 years ago
Manolo’s birthday… my 13 year wedding anniversary… Both excellent days in the world of the Fat Fashionista!
Ronikins 18 years ago
Congratulations, Manolo! I can’t imagine starting my day without first reading you. Your humor and insight get’s me off to a good start. Thank you, thank you THANK YOU! Here’s to many good years to come. XOXO
twistygirl 18 years ago
Happiest of wishes on this special day for wonderful Manolo! And thank you for informing, enlightening, and amusing us all at the same time. We love you superfantastic Manolo!
Sandy 18 years ago
Manolo, you are effortlessly SuperFantastic every day, making me laugh and lifting my mood instantly. I send you muchos besos superfantasticos!
Omnibus Driver 18 years ago
Birthday besos to you can be found here!
Eve 18 years ago
Best wishes to you for your blog and I hope you have very many happy birthdays after this. Thank you for sharing your love of shoes and for always being super fantastic.
gemdiva 18 years ago
Dearest Manolo! The gemdiva she is overcome with the feelings of joy for the birthday of the shoe blog and her eyes are making the tears of gratitude and happiness. Dear Manolo, my day is never complete without your wit and superfantasticness. Muchas Gracias!!! for bringing the smiles and the fashion to all the peoples of the Internet.
Daisy 18 years ago
Many happy returns of the day!
Jillian 18 years ago
Happy birthday!!! (And many more!)
A whole book written by the Manolo!? I cannot wait!
Kath 18 years ago
Happy Birthday Superfantasticmanolo (“Superfantasticmanolo” is said really fast)!
Gorgeous Things 18 years ago
(Gorgeous Things, pretty darned decent coloratura soprano, is singing to The Manolo):
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Super Fantastic Manolo….
(gearing up for the high notes)
Keep dishing the fabulous shoe!!!!!!!
aimlessjoys 18 years ago
Joyeux Anniversaire! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!
Manolo the shoe blogger extraordinaire!
I click my Lucchese heels in delight!
pinkmirage 18 years ago
Happy Birthday ! Love ~ pinkmirage
hazelhelmut 18 years ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the humble shoeblog of The Manolo!
Much love from your avid reader from the Philippines :D
Mandolina 18 years ago
Congratulations manolo!
v2m3 18 years ago
It’s my birthday too! Happy Birthday!
SAHMmy 18 years ago
Happy Birthday to the Manolo blog. Just the action of loading the page, waiting to see what shoes will appear in my upper, right-handed corner fills me with feminine joy.
I cannot afford these beautiful shoes but I love to see them. And I love to read the Manolo’s most excellent fashion advice and the wit is so sharp, I love it all. I even introduced my baby sister, the Yahmster, to the Manolo and we both enjoy it so.
When I read the Manolo, I cannot help but burst into song. The “I feel pretty” song, or the “I enjoy being a girl” song.
Many, many more to the Manolo!
shoefan 18 years ago
Bless you, the Manolo. You create a bright spot of joy.
I and my pink kid leather ballerina flats thank you!
Victor 18 years ago
The happiest of anniversarys to you, sir!
La BellaDonna 18 years ago
¡Feliz Cumpleaños! Dear Manolo, may it be a superfantastic day for a most superfantastic person. Thank you for two superfantastic years of blogging!
Fausta 18 years ago
Happy superfantastic birthday! And many more to come!
Never teh Bride 18 years ago
Yay! How fabulous!
MR 18 years ago
Thank you for the humor and advocating a return to civility, grace, respect and gratitude. Most of all, thank you for alerting me to the Zappos, providing pain relief to men like me with very wide feets.
desertwind 18 years ago
Super Fantastic! Super Fantastic! Super Fantastic!
Dearest Manolo,
We are holding our breath until the book is in our hot little hands.
Ayyyyyy cannot wait!
The Charlotte Allen 18 years ago
Ditto from one who can pass up on many blogs but cannot do without Manolo! Many, many more birthdays, please!
Kevin P. Edgecomb 18 years ago
Happy Blog-Birthday, Manolo!
I always come here when I need a smile. Keep us smiling for many more years!
Chris 18 years ago
Congratulations on a job well done these last 2 years. Your blog is still the definitive shoe blog.
high matenance 18 years ago
happy birthday to the BEST BLOG EVER
kim 18 years ago
The Manolo, for the Kim you ARE the internets for her. The Kim she loves the humble shoeblogger’s blog. She loves his high/low humor, his well-read-ness and his open arm policy. His goofy attachment to the Hoff makes him human, although he does not show his face and the Kim she says a big Happy Birthday and many, many more. xoxo
tiptoe 18 years ago
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, “…the autobiography of the Manolo….” Hooray!
*kisses* to the Manolo, shoes and the shoeblogs!
furlagirl 18 years ago
I can say with confidence that the Manolo is about to become known to the super-wider readership . . .
Red Hamster 18 years ago
Happy Birthday and many more happy blogging days! The internets love you to the depth and breadth and height of your style, wisdom, wit, grace, humbleness…we could go on and on. Might your new book have a picture of you on the jacket – so that we could all swoon at the first sight of our beloved Manolo?
Phyllis 18 years ago
Dearest Manolo – I really hope you live blog again at this years Oscars. I never laughed so hard in my life!