Gem Sweater!
Manolo says, Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
P.S. The Manolo has mentioned this person’s obsession before, noting at the time that her webpage “almost sent the Manolo into the convulsions, as if he were the small Japanese child watching the frenetic episode of the Pokemon.”
P.P.S. Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend Joanne for alerting him to this….this…whatever it is.
18 years ago
Surely this is a joke? (Says she who was also convinced “Achy Breaky Heart” was a joke the first time she heard it.)
Samantha 18 years ago
I can honestly say I’m terrified.
C* 18 years ago
OH. MY. GOD. My eyes are burning.
Andy Shoes 18 years ago
What is worse – the lead singer’s gem sweater or the tight-fitting gold jumpsuit?
I may never recover…….
Texasexile 18 years ago
She needs to seek help.
JayKay 18 years ago
Sweet mother of all things holy! What *IS* that?!
Those glasses! OOOF!
I am honestly in hysterics over here. Thanks Manolo!
Carol 18 years ago
Some people should never wear spandex pants.
I’m one of them, but at least I know it.
Phyllis 18 years ago
No – it’s no joke. She’s a performance artist here in Boston. She claims there is no irony intended with her work, but I don’t believe that for a minute.
LAFNRAVN 18 years ago
I thought it was amusing. Scary – but amusing!
natalie 18 years ago
That was either a searing parody of too-ironic-to-live-Manahattan-hipster-scum, or the most self-deluded, least self-aware creature I have ever seen. Perhaps both.
aimlessjoys 18 years ago
As a woman whose sainted mother-in-law ran a successful knitshop in Chicago for thirty years & more, I am conflicted upon viewing this video. Surely the woman has swallowed a sequin topped with LSD or absorbed some ecstasy-producing
dye from the purple angora. I am all for creativity, and encourage even more silly dancing, singing & outrageous sweaters for the delight of the snowbound &/or snowblind of any sort. As for the gold lame w/insignia divulging areas of anatomy better kept en matte, I am left totally speechless.
BeckyJ 18 years ago
Wow. Just…wow. Performance artist, you say? Hmmm….OK. I’m guessing she doesn’t make living as a performance artist? But then, people are strange….
Wickwire 18 years ago
I got 1/4 of the way in and tried to stop it. Like something from a horror show, I could not get it to stop and began to get frantic. Phew, (breathing heavy), don’t go there Manolo.
gidget bananas 18 years ago
I’m disappointed that she didn’t change her sweater more often in the video. If she’s going to celebrate the gem sweater, she needs to go all the way! Otherwise, that was quite a blast from the past.
Meg Q 18 years ago
Maybe it was because of all the ’80’s referents in there, but I could have *sworn* she was working a Joan Cusack vibe . . .
(no insult to Miss Cusack intended)
Imelda Blahnik 18 years ago
Oh, you people – you, who claim some familiarity with the superfantastic, if only owing to your acquaintance with the blog of the Manolo ! You do not recognize the truly superfantastic when it is in your midst.
Ms. Leslie Hall, I salute you! Girlfriend rocks!
Leslie Hall 18 years ago
thank you imelda.
for thyne is a junior gem of the highest degree.
let me answer some questions.
i originally put my sweater collection online in 2000. sometime after that i got 2 million hits in one month. which left me with an 800 dollar bill for my bandwidth. so i did what anyone would do when they need to raise a lot of money. i became a rapper. now i pretty much travel from city to city spreading my golden gospel out of my 1974 starcraft Rv that i have converted into a mobile musuem of gem sweaters.
if you would like to learn more about me and the glory that is the gem sweater, plese feel free to visit me at
slavic blonde 18 years ago
More on Ms. Hall, founder of the Mobile Museum of Gem Sweaters:
Kris 18 years ago
This thing, she need a bra.
askmom 18 years ago
Leslie is having fun. And making money. Without prejudice, let me just say that in order to have freedom of expression, we must have it for all. America, you gotta love it!
Gorgeous Things 18 years ago
Can’t sing, can’t dance, can’t dress. might as well get a YouTube video!
Anon 18 years ago
I heart Leslie Hall.
Anon 18 years ago
. . . and her zaftig sweater divettes, too.
queen zelda 18 years ago
that was the funniest thing i have seen all day.
Sarah in Israel 18 years ago
Here’s a Boston Globe article about Leslie’s background and work:
This girl is fearless. Odd, and fearless. Were I a gay man, I’d go to her concert in a second.
Deborah 18 years ago
A cult is born.
Heinous Shrew 18 years ago
Burlington VT LOVES Leslie and the Ly’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Systemic Beat 18 years ago
It’s cool! Love it! DecaDance!!
JMDB of SF Bay Area 18 years ago
She’s genius!
Screw you uppity fashion princesses who would mock the gem sweater… I too am of the Prada/Armani-suit wearing set at work, and have allowed man after man, bitchy princess after bitchy princess – bet it boss or coworker or what-not – to train me that my fashion must communicate “simple elegance”, “power”, “sex”, “femininity”.
Indeed, with the gem sweater one has a thumb in the nose at an industry criticized for turning us into little boys while hyper-exaggerating our sexuality. I’ve let this happen to such a point that today’s notion of “bold and beautiful” is only exercised to the point I get flirty with a single Moschino piece on “casual Friday”.
Leslie Hall captures the girl I was before “the haters” conformed me into their notion of “elegance”, which is not 1/100th as amazing as Leslie Hall’s gem sweater museum. And that is what art is about, right? Here I am serving corporate America 60-80hrs/week as a “power”-exec, and it takes a talent like Leslie Hall, the artist, to remind me of ideals.
I’m grabbing a group of gals, tossing aside my “tasteful” “slightly beaded” sweaters, throwing a bedazzler party with ’em before we head out to her first SF show and get drunk and loud wearing our amazing creations. Because that’s who we were before the world got complicated and began to . And as we’ll communicate wildly, from our hand-made bedazzler sweater art, “I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think of my clothing; bite me, and break a tooth on my amazing gems!”
Thank you for posting this Manolo – I found her website, and am letting the world know of her upcoming show in SF!
cheeky 18 years ago
All of you who didn’t understand this should really spend a day in art school.