This time the Manolo has heeded the suggestion of his friend the Sarah to play with the variations, and so he gives you the Manolo Survivor: Build the Outfit for the Poor Girl version of the game.
Here, then are the shoes…
Pretty, no? But you are not completely certain about them, as the buckle seems perhaps slightly excessive. But, they are from Celine and they are $500 of the American dollars!
Of the course, you would never buy them for yourself, as you are the poor girl, but your crazy friend, who is dating the Greek billionaire named Stavros, recently purchased these shoes, wore them once and now does not like them, and so she has given them to you, and they fit perfectly.
So you must build the outfit worthy of these shoes, but you only have $200 with which to do so. Still you are clever, and your crazy friend says that Stavros has the single cousin who is nice and quite handsome, and perhaps there may be the chance at the double date.
Go! Hurry! Build the Outfit!
Please be so kind as to post your answer in the Manolo’s Forums.
On Friday afternoon, the Manolo will pick what he thinks is the best outfit made for under $200 of the American dollars and award the person who composed it with the $100 gift certificate to the Zappos.