
Manolo says, apparently not all of the problems caused by the Manolo’s weekend change of the servers have gone away. If have you tried to access the Manolo’s website, but have received the message that said you were “Forbidden”, do not despair. You are perhaps using the Firefox or the Mozilla web browser. You must open the “Preferences” page and clear the cache, quit your browser and restart it and the Manolo’s blog should thereafter appear. Yes, it may seem silly that the Manolo is giving the instructions on how to access his apparently hidden webpage from the text on…


The Fluevog Hepburn

Manolo says, here is the perfect shoe for wearing while dreaming about riding around in the Flueguar, it is called the Hepburn and it is fresh and funky without crossing line into the land of the unwearable art shoe.


Manolo’s Tuesday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse… In the American West between the 1830’s and the 1870’s the single most common color for a wedding gown was…plaid The tale of a budding starlet with a few skeletons in her closet A Mr. Henry Dictum: Italian desserts must be either soggy or hard as brick.


The Flueguar

Manolo says, from the Manolo’s internet friend the Triticale, comes this… The picture of the John Fluevog’s sweet, sweet whip. Here is the description from the Fluevog website.. T’S A BIRD! IT’S A PLANE! IT’S A DRAWING ROOM ON WHEELS! Well, she was a rusted-out hulk, ready for the scrapyard. Somehow, the Jaguar MK 10 that Sigurd Fluevog bought, back in 1965, had fallen into such egregious disrepair that any sensible person would write her off, without a second thought. But true Car Guys, like John and his late Dad, have a special kind of X-Ray vision that enables them…


Build the Outfit, Update

Manolo says, many wonderful entries have already arrived at the Manolo’s Forums for the latest version of the the Manolo’s Build the Outfit contest, in which the erstwhile amateur stylist must put together the outfit to go with these Celine ankle strap pumps. If you have not already registered at the Manolo’s Super Fantastic Forums and submitted your entry, go do so now, as on Friday, the Manolo will announce the winner of the $100 gift certificate from Zappos.


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Listening to… This has been the very busy few days for the Manolo, but he has still had the time to read one more of the Martin Amis novels he had missed. Few other writers are as amusing and appalling as the Martin Amis, who never fails to make the Manolo laugh even at the most awful things.