Manolo’s Tuesday Miscellany
Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse…
The tale of a budding starlet with a few skeletons in her closet
A Mr. Henry Dictum: Italian desserts must be either soggy or hard as brick.
0Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse…
The tale of a budding starlet with a few skeletons in her closet
A Mr. Henry Dictum: Italian desserts must be either soggy or hard as brick.
Tearfree 18 years ago
More miscellany…The famous people are now wearing the abomination that is the Crocs. And worse yet, at the graduation ceremony where the Manolo told them what feetwear was acceptable.
Your internet friend,
Tearfree 18 years ago
Oh dear. I forgot the link to the famous person wearing the Crocs. Here it is
Kiwi 18 years ago
Alas, the Manolo Brides link is defunct, and I cannot read about the plaid wedding gowns. I am desolated!