The BagSnob Review

Manolo says, the Manolo’s internet friend the Tina at the indispensable BagSnob has written the most glowing review of the Manolo’s The Consolation of the Shoes. His facetious wit is ever present and you will be thoroughly entertained by tales of young Manolo’s humble beginnings and his search for the miraculous shoes of heaven. His words leave an indelible impression on the mind and I found myself returning to them often after reading the book, giggling to myself at the memory they bring forth. As always the Manolo is both grateful and humbled by such praise.


The Peregrinations of the Manolo

Manolo says, the Manolo must apologize to his internet friends for the paucity of the posting this weekend, as the Manolo was travelling. Normally this would not be the event worth the mentioning, but from the start this trip was beset by delays, discomforts, hair-breadth escapes from death, and other troubles, culminating finally in the mechanical failure of the luxury automobile in the which the Manolo was riding. This mechanical failure occurred in the Mojave desert, on the road from Los Vegas to Los Angeles, and necessitated the 90 minute wait by the side of the freeway. Happily, the Manolo…


The Jewlery Weblog Review

Manolo says, the Manolo’s internet friend the Tammy at the Jewelry Weblog has reviewed the Manolo’s new work, The Consolation of the Shoes. Honestly, I’m not sure what I expected. Some of his hilarious jabs at David Hasselhoff? Perhaps a book of shoe etiquette? No, none of these. Instead I was given a glimpse into the Manolo, or at least, the Manolo of the past, and served a surprisingly poignant narrative. The book of shoe etiquette? This sounds to the Manolo like the very good ides. In the meanwhile, please go read the entire review and visit the always amusing…