Recycled Fashion

Manolo says, from the Manolo’s internet friend Brad comes this photo. From this angle, with the good shoes, this dress looks rather nice. It is only when you see the other photos in the Flickr stream and read the description that you realize that something is unusual. This was a project I started this summer. I began by collecting grocery bags, which I cut into sheets and ironed together to form a fabric, and then I used them to sew this dress, with a design loosely based on a 50s housewife style. As the Project Runway style fashion exercise this…


Scenes from Opera

Manolo says, the Manolo has difficulty imagining the dramatic circumstances that resulted in this.


Manolo’s Thursday Miscellany

Manolo says, here are the few links which may perhaps amuse… [I]t is equivalent to wearing coconut shells over your boobs out in public… The best fashion splurges that are actually investments As a male, I can’t begin to imagine the many hardships that go along with being a woman. Under-wire bras, various forms of painful hair removal, and uncomfortable shoes are just a few of the things many women endure to fit our culture’s current definition of beauty.


Cuidado! Cesare Paciotti!

Manolo says, here to make you chuckle on the Thursday are the ridiculous shoes by the Cesare Paciotti. Yes, all high heels are somewhat impractical, but these cross the line into being positively dangerous!