Manolo says, “First he girded his goodly greaves about his legs, making them fast with ankle clasps of silver; and upon his belly he set the cumberbund which Byblos had designed for him as the fashion frippery.”
Plastic armour whatever…I can’t get past the dress socks whose toes have been slit open and pulled back on the foot in order to allow their use with patent leather thong sandals.
deja pseu 18 years ago
Looks like what we used to wear to play field hockey.
Cat 18 years ago
Manolo, you are a god among men!
Sharon 18 years ago
These to me are the height of ugliness. I would imagine they would take forever to tie up like that.
LaVida2 18 years ago
Now how is one to interpret retail fashion from such nonsense that comes down the runway.
Cone 18 years ago
“Remember who commended thy
yellow stockings, and wished to see thee ever
-twelfth night, act II scene v
sabrina 18 years ago
Is he going to be up at bat next? That’s the only possible explanation for the shin guards…
Of course, sliding into bases is going to be *murder* on that white shirt.
toad 18 years ago
I don’t think you could sell those to the SCA crowd.
Obi's Sister 18 years ago
He stole Beck’s shin guards!
Phalene 18 years ago
The effect looks like ‘samurai suit’. Am I the onlyone who thought this was pretty, if impractical?
dillene 18 years ago
Come to think of it, Achilles was pretty emo. I don’t know, maybe this is appropriate.
chachaheels 18 years ago
Plastic armour whatever…I can’t get past the dress socks whose toes have been slit open and pulled back on the foot in order to allow their use with patent leather thong sandals.
The most terrifying thing I’ve seen in some time.
abi 18 years ago
Yes, it does remind me of a samurai. The silhouette of the pants and the footwear are very samurai, and I do think it looks cool, in concept.
MissMarj 18 years ago
Socks & sandles people! Socks and sandles!
*runs screaming to the hills*
Sue F. 18 years ago
I thought at first that it was a prosthetic leg.
Ed Driscoll 18 years ago
At last–the footwear that perfectly compliments the Utilakilt!
steve.w 18 years ago
Please forgive me as a new manolo devotee, but is the term “cumberbund or cummerbund”?
taro 18 years ago
It looks like some sort of weird ninja-pirate hybrid outfit with influences from suck.