Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

Starting in late July I’ll be spending two weeks of my vacation with some friends in a rented house in the Hamptons. During the day it’ll be beach casual, but at night we’ll be going out. What do you suggest?


Manolo says, summer in the Hamptons! It is just like being in Manhattan, only without the nice people.

It is the experience of the Manolo that during the weekdays the Hampton beaches are mercifully free of the preening young investment bankers and their snooty socialite consorts. But at night, these creatures emerge into the bars and clubs, bringing with them their reign of social terror.

“Say, Muffy, who’s that with Skipper Boddlington, the 3rd? Where did she prep? The Dwight School! Good Lord, this place has gone down hill.”

However, fear not, for you are the young person of accomplishment, confidence, and natural charm, and no snubbing, however brutal, can keep you down for long, for this is your vacation and you are determined to enjoy it.

Unless your goal is to capture the fancy of the unctuous i-banker, which it should never be, the Manolo recommends that that you go Lower Long Island Super Fantastic. Key word: Snakeskin!

Look here is the appropriately named Nite Life from the Kenneth Cole New York!

Nite Life by Kenneth Cole New York    Manolo Likes!  Click!


The Help Wanted

Manolo says, the Manolo empire is again about to enter the period of expansion, as the Manolo will soon unveil the new blog, one devoted to fashion, lifestyle, and humor for the super fantastic plus sized girl.

In other words, the Manolo will soon introduce Manolo For the Big Girl!

To this end the Manolo is now seeking two bloggers who have the unique and entertaining authorial voices, the obsession with clothing, fashion, and celebrity, and are possessed of the special knowledge of issues relating to the big girl. If you believe you are such the person, please send the Manolo the email outlining for him your qualifications, together with the brief samples of the writing and/or links to your bloggings.

The Manolo now wishes to again emphasize the necessity of the strong writing ability for this position. If you have been the regular reader of the Manolo’s other blogs, Manolo for the Brides, Manolo for the Men, and Manolo’s Food Blog, you will have undoubtedly noticed that the writers behind these blogs, Izzy, Never teh Bride, and Mr. Henry, are exceptionally knowledgeable, unusually funny, and possessed of the very strong voices.

In short they are excellent writers, and this is what the Manolo hopes to replicate in the new bloggers for his potential Big Girl Blog. So, if you feel you have these qualities please send the Manolo the email.

The Manolo should mention that this it is the paid position. Not well paid, nor anywhere near the full time, but there is the potential to perhaps make more, and the exposure may be beneficial to the freelance writer who wishes to make the name in fashion.