Killer Heels


Manolo says, it is not often that the Manolo comes across the shoe image that is so unpleasant that he says “ick” in disgust, however, such is the case with this “Killer Heels” shoe ad.

Happily, the Manolo is not the only person who feels uneasy about this ad.

This print advertisement for promoting products of NMA attracted considerable opposition in Britain. The advertisement is showing a large black stiletto-heeled shoe, running through on the metal heel was the body of a man and the heel was in a pool of blood. The punch line of the advertisement said, ‘Killer heels by NMA’ and it was published in leading newspapers of Britain. The complainants alleged that, since the advertisement promoted and trivialized violence, particularly against men. The complaints also accused the advertisement for being offensive and sexist and unsuitable for use.

The advertisers argued that the advertisement was a visual witticism on the expression ‘Killer Heels’ and was extremely inventive to make it stand out from other fashion advertisements. They further contended that, to avoid causing offence, they had created the advertisement to appear like a cartoon by showing a heel, which was out of proportion to the size of the man and was unrealistically ‘’spearing’ the man.