Whose Shoes Wednesday
Manolo asks, whose shoes?
Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listening to… Watching… If you wish to look for someone whom the Manolo considers to be his kindred spirit, you could do much worse than to point at the the genius Henri Langlois. Here is the person, who though not himself the traditional artist, was nonetheless passionate about art, and through his passion and devotion persuaded others to take this art seriously. The Manolo wishes to do for the shoes, what Henri Langlois did for the movies.
Manolo says, those of the Manolo friend’s who have been the long time readers of the Manolo for the Brides may remember the wonderfully amusing blogger, Twistie, who substituted for the Never teh Bride while she was away becoming the Bride. Well, the Manolo has invited the Twistie to become the official Weekend Blogger of the Manolo, and she has already put up her first post at the Manolo for the Brides, the marvelous piece with the title of When Wedding Disasters Strike. Here is the excerpt. I’ve heard many old saws and superstitions about weddings over the years, but…