Injustice! (Again!)
Manolo says, yet again the major blogging awards have neglected to include the fashion blog category. This time it is the Weblog Awards who have disrespected us.
This is ridiculous. As this year alone dozens of articles, in such publications as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Times of London, have been written about the growing power and influence of the fashion blogosphere. The point of most of these articles is that the fashion blogs are having the significant impact on the wider culture. And they all note how fashion blogs have changed the relationship between the clothing designers, the clothing retailers and manufacturers, and the consuming public. Where before there were one-sided announcements, now there is conversation.
The Manolo would also point to one other indication of the importance and impact of the fashion blogs: money.
One need only look at such recent developments as the purchase of Coutorture by Sugar Media, and the amount of capital raised by to know that the the economic potential of the fashion blogs is great. Indeed, the Manolo himself has been approached repeatedly in the past six months by the venture capitalists offering him ridiculous sums of money for investment purposes. This sort of thing does not happen to the pet blogs.
And so the Manolo now calls upon the Weblog Awards to acknowledge what the rest of the world already knows, that the fashion blogs are important and worthy of recognition.
If you, the reader of this post, would like to help, go to their site and leave the polite comment asking that they reconsider their decision, or email them the polite but firm note expressing your objections.
If you are the fashion blogger, write the post celebrating the substantial achievements of the fashion blogs and decrying this injustice. It is not right that the fashion blogosphere should be neglected in this way.
Ruffa la Femme 17 years ago
This is just stupid. Fashion blogs rock, and people who don’t know that really don’t know what’s going on in the blog world.
carrie 17 years ago
well said Manolo. I will most definitely post about it!
Linda Grant 17 years ago
It’s obviously preposterous that fashion blogs re not in these awards, particularly as I discovered this very site through another award.
However, it seems to me, coming from journalism, that the fashion blogs have the potential to alter how fashion is covered, marketed and advertised, as the links the Manolo provides indicate, and these awards, while nice to have, are the mere cherry on a very substantial cake.
Danielle Sharpe 17 years ago
I came across this post whilst researching an article I have written on the influence of fashion bloggers on fashion and trends (in which of course your blog gets a mention). They are very stupid if they cannot see the influence of fashion blogs and I shall be telling them so.
lady coveted 17 years ago
good morning the manolo… i’m going to post this on Independent Fashion Bloggers…. I hope you don’t mind….
But this is important stuff to consider, it’s hard enough establishing crediblity in the Fashion World as a blogger… but also within blogging to not be taken as seriously as pictures of cute animals?
I’m embarrassed. Seriously.
lady coveted 17 years ago
Good morning The Manolo… I’m going to post this on Independent Fashion Bloggers…. I hope you don’t mind….
But this is important stuff to consider, it’s hard enough establishing credibility in the Fashion World as a blogger… but also within blogging to not be taken as seriously as pictures of cute animals?
I’m embarrassed. Seriously.
sfmike 17 years ago
The Webbies are a stupid, promotional leftover from the Internet Gold Rush days in San Francisco in the late 1990s, started by some shrewd young woman named Tiffany who has since moved her act to New York. The Manolo needs to start his own Fashion Blogging Awards and not enable those silly Webbies with your superfantasticness.
Scottish Terrier and Dog News Publisher 17 years ago
You are very right about fashoin blogs but please do not slag off us pet bloggers.
Fashion blogging is a mature market place. The pet blogs are about to explode.
And then, of course, there is the fashionable pet sector. As you are no doubt aware, many dogs need winter boots.
Editor and Publisher
Scottish Terrier and Dog News
Joan of Argghh! 17 years ago
I feel your pain. I had 33 nominations for Best New Blog, but blogs that weren’t even on the nomination page ended up as finalists. Feh.
So, why does anyone bother?
I’ll measure my blog status by the blogs I read. Like this one!
O.K. I’ll admit I read GoFugYourself! more. But I loves the Manolo!
raincoaster 17 years ago
I’m a total famewhore, but I don’t pay attention to the webbies anymore. Why not pressure the fashion institutions to recognize blogs instead? Techies, who run the preexisting web awards, are never going to even register fashion; gimme tees and chino manpris are not exactly Manolo-worthy.