Books for Children

Manolo says, there are two very nice discussions underway at the Teeny Manolo regarding books for childrens, the topic which has elicted very strong, but politely stated opinions from our internet friends. Last week, it was Glinda’s list of books for the younger childrens, this week, it is her list of books for the older childrens.

As with the list of the best children’s movies, the Manolo thinks that Glinda has done the admirable job, but that there are omissions here in need of mention. For the example, the Manolo loved From The Mixed-up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler and Treasure Island, and anything by S.E. Hinton, especially The Outsiders. (Oh, how the young Manolo identified with Ponyboy!)

Go now, and add your voice to this important discussion.


Build the Outfit #6

Manolo says, the Build the Outfit contest, it has returned!

And look, this time it is boots…

Sheer from Enzo Angiolini   Manolo Likes!  Click!

There is so much that one can do with these handsome and practical suede boots from the Enzo Angliolini. These are the sort of boots that could be worn by almost anyone–young or old, tough or sweet, work or casual, skirts or jeans–the Manolo can imagine hundreds of possibilities. And at the price is not outrageous.

And now the Manolo encourages you to go and build the outfit around these boots.

The rules are the same as ever. Please post your reply in Manolo’s Super Fantastic Forums.

On Saturday, the Manolo will pick the winner from among the entries and award the person who made it with the $100 gift certificate from Zappos.

Pucci Shoes for the Monday!

Chunky Heel Pucci Shoes   Manolo Likes!  Click!

Manolo says, it is again Monday, you are back at your desk, and worse, the cold rain is arriving this afternoon to gloomify whatever remaining Halloween cheer you may have had.

In such circumstances, one must do what the Manolo does when he is out bummed: look at the shoes!

Above are the beautiful and dramatic chunky-heeled shoes from Emilio Pucci. And, what better shoes to cheer you, for as we all know, Pucci makes the smiles!

The Rouge Wave

The Rouge Wave

Manolo says, the Hollywood writer peoples are on strike, yes? Not the Manolo’s friend the Wave-inatrix. She is still blogging away, dispensing her good-humored and most helpful advice.