Manolo’s Holiday Gift Books for Him

Manolo says, it is Christmas time, and you have already bought your man the tasteful, Manolo-approved tie, and the slippers, and the power drill, but you also wish to entertain and please him with the gift of reading.

Allow the Manolo to be your guide by suggesting for you three books your man would enjoy.

The Perfect Book for the Man Who Would Be Well Dressed

Dressing the Man: Mastering the Art of Permanent Fashion by Alan Flusser

This book, Dressing the Man: Mastering the Art of Permanent Fashion is the Bible of fashion for the man. If your husband, or boyfriend, or your man of other significance does not have this book on his dressing table, you must buy it for him. It gives clear, practical advice, from which any man who wishes to know about clothes will benefit.

The Funniest Historical Novels Ever Written


Politically incorrect, sexist, cavalier, ribald, but also historically accurate (sort of) and absolutely hilarious, these are The Flashman Papers. Start your man with the first book and he will buy the rest of the series himself, thanking you profusely for introducing him to this brilliant series.

The Rippingest of Yarns

The Places In Between by Rory Stewart

Here is the challenge: grab the dog and the back pack, put on some tribal costumery, and hike across the length of war-torn, Taliban-ridden Afghanistan…in the middle of winter. Later produce the smart and beautifully written account of your unlikely survival. This is The Places In Between.