Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

A very fashion forward friend of mine asked the question yesterday, “With regard to shoes for this spring, is beige the new black?” I said I would consult the Manolo who is the only person I trust to have the correct information about the shoes for any season.


Manolo says, there is no “new black”. Black is black and it shall never be replaced as the most essential color (or non-color) in the wardrobe.

This is not to say that there are not important color trends now at work in the world of feetwear, only that the Manolo has grown extremely weary of the phrase “such-and-such is the new black.”

As for these current fashion trends, beige shoes will be prevalent, but the more striking trend this season will be bold colors, and indeed, the Manolo has already declared 2008, the “Year of the Colorful Shoe”

We are already seeing festive shoes that are saturated with bright colors, rich variations of purple, orange, yellow, green, blue, and red.

Look here is the Jade from Via Spiga, the round-toed slingback shown here in the purple patent leather, but also available in yellow and orange. Is this not infinitely more fun than beige?

Jade from Via Spiga  It is Colorful, Manolo Likes!  Click!