Prada Corallo Oro, Summer 2008
Manolo says, winter still has its icy fingers around our collective throats, but that is not reason to dream of the day when you will be free of this pestilential weather. And when that blessed day arrives, you will walk out onto the warm sand, in shoes that make you feel like the Greek Goddess, shoes such as these beautiful Corallo Oro sandals from Prada.
Jennie 17 years ago
I feel all gimme gimmee gimmee for this sandal of art!!!
Mika 17 years ago
*heaven has just opened* I love the shoes. Bring on the inner goddess!
Side note: Manolo, this is off subject, but I wish you had commented about Good Morning America anchor Robin Roberts and her walking the catwalk at New York Fashion Week. Stylish, fun, and inspiring. Here is the link:
17 years ago
I think I need to find these on the cheap, for sure.
La Petite Acadienne 17 years ago
Those are the shoes that would have me continually walking into walls and signposts, as I would not be able to tear my gaze from the works of art adorning my feets.
La Petite Acadienne 17 years ago
Be still my heart — they also made a high-heeled version:
raincoaster 17 years ago
My god, something from Prada that doesn’t require the narration of an art historian or elderly professor of aesthetics to understand? Something that is simply beautiful? (and very reminiscent of a Fratelli Rosetti sandal from the Eighties)
Dionysus would buy these for his girlfriend. But she’d already have a pair.
JK 17 years ago
Those are so beautiful to look at–I wonder if they would have the same effect with feet in them? I would hang them on my wall.
Ian 17 years ago
Oh! These are nice.
Linda 17 years ago
THEY’RE MINE NOW! thanks. In several days a bleak, snow February day will be a bit more golden for me.
angelhair 17 years ago
Quite possibly the most beautiful footwear I’ve ever seen.
NDC 17 years ago
Truly breathtaking. Then again, the price, $600.00 of the American Dollars, ah me…. Well, they are fit for a divine woman with beautiful feets that will do these confections proud. Alas, my middle-aged tootsies aren’t up to that glamorous task.
All the best,
oakling 17 years ago
That is an awesome picture, too. They made the shoe art into even more art!