What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is late on Tuesday and thus time to see what the Manolo is…



Listening to…

It had been many years since the Manolo last saw Gone with the Wind, and on viewing it again the other evening, what struck the Manolo most forcefully was how it was both exceedingly melodramatic and yet completely engaging.

By rights, this movie should be considered laughable, with each overly dramatic and manipulative incident following so closely on the heels of the previous one.

But it is not.

Instead, one is irrevocably sucked into the compelling and bizarre world of Scarlet O’Hara where up is down, and down is fiddle-di-dee! You weep real tears at the death of Bonny Blue, gasp at the revelation that Captain Butler has shot the pony and locked himself into the nursery with the corpse, and three minutes later are weeping again as Melanie collapses and dies.

How is this level of emotional engagement in something so obviously contrived even possible?

The Manolo admits to having no clue.