Parenting, Texas Style!
Manolo says, they do it differently in the State of the Lone Starredness!
P.S. Undoubtedly, the delightful Raincoaster will be jealous that the Manolo found this first.
P.P.S. From the Manolo’s friends at Scippican Cottage
mary martha 17 years ago
I am as fascinated with the dinner plate like habits that the nuns were wearing in the audience as I was with the knife throwing.
I say fashion lost something important when the myriad of habits worn by Catholic religious women went away.
Sandy 17 years ago
Yep We do things bigger and BETTER here in the Lone Star State!
sippican cottage 17 years ago
Yes indeed the Sippican Cottage is populated entirely by the admirers of the Manolo and his many minions! Though Sippican is only a poor furnituremaker, the wife of the Sippican is possessed of the feets of the female, and desires to adorn her lower limbs as Manolo directs! And the Sippican can only stand agog at the words of the Manolo, assembled with the care and love; truly the cobbler of the Shakespeare!
Sippican can die happy now, knowing he is indeed an acknowledged FOM –Friend of Manolo.
Bury me in my confirmation suit with the wing tips with the little dingles and the cookies for the flat feet!
raincoaster 17 years ago
I am indeed consumed with jealousy! But I am also consumed with curiosity: does it not seem that the woman doing the throwing bears an uncanny resemblance almost unto identity to Queen Elizabeth II?
LeeLee 17 years ago
As a recent transplant to The State of the One Big Star Which is Displayed on Every Home, Garage, Carport, and Trailer, I will show this video to my darling urchin when she misbehaves.
Monkeypants 17 years ago
The video gives me the creeps. This knife-hurling Texas Mama makes Joan Crawford look like a wuss, with her pathetic threats about her little Nancy-boy wire hangers.
Jenzilla 17 years ago
Aw, I’m a Texan and my mother never once threw knives at me! I feel so cheated.
oakling 17 years ago
OMG. We need to get Project Runway to do a nun episode and bring the influence of the habit back to the fashion world!
mamacita 17 years ago
Aww, come on, the mom was practically on top of the girls while she was throwing. Let’s see her do it from 30 feet.