Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!
Manolo asked, whose shoes?
Manolo answers, it is the Stevie Nicks!
Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend Wes, who was the first to correctly guess whose shoes.
As many of the Manolo’s perspicacious internet friends noted, who could this possible be other than Stevie Nicks, given the inordinate amount of hanging fringe, layered asymmetrical skirtage, and platform bootage.
Yes, the Manolo does not especially care for Stevie Nicks’ style, however, he will be the first to admit that she owns it completely, and that it is now impossible to imagine her wearing anything else.
jelodi97 17 years ago
oh I don’t know. . .had you shown less of the skirts, it could have been Prince.
La BellaDonna 17 years ago
Out of the curiousity, dear Manolo, what is the style that you do like? And whom would you describe as the excellent examples thereof? The Miuccia, she is in a class by herself, of course. Do you perhaps lean towards the “ladylike, with a twist” for the women?