What the Manolo Is…
Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is…
This new Harrison Ford movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Improbable Geriatric Hijinks, which the Manolo saw this past weekend, was almost exactly what the Manolo expected; Harrison Ford stumbling his way through the series of contrived over-the-top action sequences.
Yes, the movie was entertaining in places, and the Manolo occasionally chuckled, but it was nothing when compared to either the first or the third installment in the Indiana Jones catalog.
Query: Is there any actor who plays heroic befuddlement better than Harrison Ford?
Indeed, his range as the actor is seemingly limited to heroic befuddlement, wooden heroic befuddlement, angry heroic befuddlement, and his acting masterpiece, wryly humorous heroic befuddlement.
Only the great Gary Cooper has ever been more wooden or more heroically befuddled than Harrison Ford.
Query: Can someone explain to the Manolo the success of Shia LaBeouf? Yes, he is generally likable, but he is otherwise the uninspiring actor with not much to recommend him beyond that.
On different matters, the Manolo, who has long been the modified practical Epicurean, has been finding great and much needed solace in the works of the Stoics, in particular the writings of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius.
Bob 17 years ago
Of things, some are in our power and others are not. – Enchiridion 1
Meditations 2:14 and 4:35
I’ve been enraptured by the ability of men who lived so long ago to identify – and soothe – the human feeling.
May you find comfort in their words.
savvygal 17 years ago
The movie was entertaining on some parts, I did chuckle once or twice but at the end of the movie, boyfriend and I looked at each other and did not know what to say…. Not what we are expecting at all.
Manolo the Shoeblogger 17 years ago
For the Manolo the best part of the entire movie was seeing Karen Allen return to the cinema. She was the only person who seemed to recognize the essential ridiculousness of the entire venture, and was thus very funny.
Miss Janey 17 years ago
Sorry, Manolo, Miss Janey cannot explain the Shia’s success. She cannot understand it either.
Obi-Wandreas 17 years ago
His charm can best be summed up in a single scene from Transformers.
He is searching his room for an important artifact, while simultaneously trying to keep his parents out. He finally opens the door. He is disheveled and covered in dirt from being chased by Decepticons all night. His mother asks him why he’s so dirty.
In the most matter-of-fact tone possible, he simply replies “I’m a child.”
Poochie 17 years ago
I just came home from the movie. It was pretty bad and it made me sad. There were far too many effects and action sequences. It just looked like it was done too much on soundstages.
But yes, I laughed a fwe times too.
And Shia – liked him well enough in Constantine. Here, not so much. They better not try to continue the franchise with him. I’d be PO.
JK 17 years ago
Regarding Shia–he is a Disney tv show alum, so somewhat recognizable to the younger generation. I think it helps to go into an audition with a fan base under your belt.
agirl 17 years ago
It is simple. The Shia, he is gorgeous and that is the explanation for the success of the Shia. And also way too young for me. Yes I am ashamed of myself, but you asked.