Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!
Manolo asked, whose shoes?
Manolo answers, it is the Joan Rivers!
Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend Blackbird who was the first to identify the always outrageous and overly botoxed Ms. Rivers.
0Manolo asked, whose shoes?
Manolo answers, it is the Joan Rivers!
Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend Blackbird who was the first to identify the always outrageous and overly botoxed Ms. Rivers.
blackbird 16 years ago
Poor thing. I don’t think one can have surgery for thick ankles.
grudge girl 16 years ago
Word. She appears to be such a teensy little thing, who knew she had such meaty calves?
Things that make you go hm.
Matthew Kimel 16 years ago
The lady is 75, she has more to worry about than her kankles