Manolo the Columnist

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column from the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo,

The Fourth of July weekend is next week, and like most people I plan on spending it outdoors, at a picnic with my family and friends. Can you recommend some casual but chic, summery sandals?


Manolo says, oh how the Manolo loves the Fourth of July! It is one of his favorite holidays; the magnificent patriotic festival of fireworks and freedom and frankfurters.

Indeed, how can one not be enthusiastic about any holiday that traditionally begins with the mass consumption of cheap hot dogs, warm lemonade, and Mom’s potato salad, and culminates in John Philip Souza and giant explosions?

To be American is to know the manifest joys of cherry bombs and whistling petes, of eating slightly-off coleslaw, and watching the home team lose to the Yankees in the ninth inning.

Truly we are blessed to live in the country where lawn chairs and giant coolers filled with Budweiser have not yet been outlawed, where we are free to get as mosquito-bitten, food-poisoned, and sunburned as we like in the celebration of our traditional liberties.

America! Long may she wave to us!

Here from Frye, which is appropriately the longest continually operated shoe company in America, is the Mary Harness Thong, the snappy sandal perfect the day of celebration.

Mary Harness Thong by Frye   Manolo Likes!  ClicK!