What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listening to… Watching… This new Harrison Ford movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Improbable Geriatric Hijinks, which the Manolo saw this past weekend, was almost exactly what the Manolo expected; Harrison Ford stumbling his way through the series of contrived over-the-top action sequences. Yes, the movie was entertaining in places, and the Manolo occasionally chuckled, but it was nothing when compared to either the first or the third installment in the Indiana Jones catalog. Query: Is there any actor who plays heroic befuddlement better than Harrison…


Manolo Blahnik for the post-SATC Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday after the opening of the Sex and the City movie, and you are back at your office and ready to discuss with your coworkers the various and salacious new doings of Carrie and her posse. But first, you must be fortified with Blahnik! Gorgeous strappy sandals from the maestro di tutti maestri, His Magnificence, Manolo Blahnik, what better way to begin the week? P.S. The humble shoeblogger has yet to see this movie, but when he does later this week, fear not, he will return with his own comments, and the measured discussion of those…