Perhaps the ankles of a small bird-like creature but the ego and demeanor of a ginormous pterodactyl. LOATHE her to the nth degree. She also wears the UGLIEST sandals “around town” when not working on a film or promoting something, which showcase her long and curled hairy toes.
JET0601 16 years ago
Julia Robert!
JET0601 16 years ago
oops-typo- Julia Roberts!! I recognize the big brown maryjanes.
k 16 years ago
Melanie Griffith
sarah 16 years ago
Julia Roberts!
Tundra Girl 16 years ago
My first thought was Julia Roberts also.
Muneeba 16 years ago
julia roberts
Terry 16 years ago
Either Julia Roberts or Julia Louis-Dreyfus
maryann 16 years ago
Danna 16 years ago
Julia Roberts, I agree. I recognize the black pumps, far left second row.
Dash 16 years ago
Whoever it is has the ankles of the small birdlike creature.
SAHMmy 16 years ago
Perhaps the ankles of a small bird-like creature but the ego and demeanor of a ginormous pterodactyl. LOATHE her to the nth degree. She also wears the UGLIEST sandals “around town” when not working on a film or promoting something, which showcase her long and curled hairy toes.