Giuseppe Zanotti: From Sublime to Ridiculous?

Manolo says, compare and contrast the following two shoes from Giuseppe Zanotti. Manolo says, when the Manolo’s shoe-obsessed friend Wayne pointed out these two Giuseppe Zanotti shoes to the Manolo, the Manolo’s initial reaction was to laud the first for it’s combination of classical beauty and sublime construction, while deploring the second for its irrational science-fictiony exuberance. And yet…the longer the Manolo considers the second shoe, the more he has reconciled himself to its over-the-topness. Indeed, the Manolo now believes that the right rock-n-roll girl could make this shoe work for her in the right conditions with the exact right…


News from Texas

Manolo says, the .


The Manolo’s Sharp-Eyed Readers

Manolo says, the Manolo never ceases to be amazed by the shoe-spotting ability of the Manolo’s sharp-eyed internet friends. For the example, yesterday, while preparing for the Whose Shoes Wednesday the Manolo mistakenly included this fragmentary photograph in his collection of the Lady Gaga shoes. This is not Lady Gaga, something the Manolo in his haste to prepare the post had missed. And yet, even though it was the single image among nearly the score, this did not prevent the Manolo’s readers from identifying to whom they belonged. The first to do so, was the Manolo’s internet friend Jo. Nicole…


Whose Shoes Wednesday…The Answer!

Manolo asked, whose shoes? Manolo answers, it is the trying-too-hard-to-be-moderately-outrageous Lady GaGa! Congratulations to the Manolo’s internet friend Sean who was the first to correctly identify this week’s personage of note.